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Wheeeeeerrreeeee was she going???
Wyatt's eyes widened at his friend walking away like that, relaxing only when he saw it was only to go talk to another girl. Oh. That was fine then. It was just a girl. For a fraction of a second, Wyatt thought to release his mummy and go say hello too but then, what if she had a portkey or worse, what if she WAS a portkey like Teddy had been??? "Doooon't touuuuccch her." Wyatt whispered frantically, appalled his mother did not notice there was now someone standing at that distance from them.
He took two steps toward them but when he realized a third would completely remove him from his mother, he back tracked. A huge part of him worried Becca would make friends with HER and not be his friend anymore but a bigger part was convinced there was something wrong with her. She even looked kinda sick--WHAT IF SHE WAS AND GAVE THEM HER SICK AND THEY HAD TO GO HOME AND NOT HAVE ICE-CREAM???? No, he would be staying away.
Noah couldn't help but break into a big smile when the girl came closer. It wasn't every day that she saw children her own age and she didn't get very many chances to make friends. This one was probably gonna be her friend and if she was her friend then they could go play.
"Mummy's really busy so she couldn't come to the bank with me." The little girl said, tipping her chin up just a bit and trying for her most grown up voice. "But I'm Noah! Hi!" The smile spread further, growing now into a grin. "That's so cool! How come he isn't dead? When my Mummy wants people dead, they get dead." Mhm. She'd seen it before a few times and they didn't go walking around holding onto their mummies afterwards. Usually Korpsit took care of 'em after.
"It's okay." She said, looking only briefly to Korpsit again. "We can still play. I now a fun place. D'you wanna come?"