Hearing that Night was also a muggle born instantly made Emmalyn feel more at ease. One of her biggest fears was that no one would like her because she was muggle-born. "Wow, Chicago. That's a long way away. How did you end up at Hogwarts?" She was curious if there were any other schools for witches and wizards around the world. Maybe Hogwarts was the only one. No, that didn't seem right to her. There had to be more schools. Then she began to wonder why Night's parents would send her so far away. Maybe it wasn't safe where she was living.
"Well, I was going to go to Ilvermorny, in Massachusetts, but then, well, my neighbor, who was a witch and recognized the signs in me long before anyone else, she and her family got arrested for something they didn't do. People found out about them, and her last words to be before ending up in jail were that it was no longer safe for me to stay in the area, and that America was getting more and more dangerous for witches and wizards." She paused, remembering everything Diane had said, and everything the older girl's family had been to her own.
"I'd already gotten my Ilvermorny letter, so my parents knew everything. We explored options for other wizard schools, and my parents liked the idea of being here in London best, probably because none of us would have wanted to learn a new language. So, um, yeah. We moved here two weeks ago."
Had Night really just told all this to a complete stranger? Were others listening? Would
Emmalyn judge her because of it? Oh well. Maybe it was better to get it off her chest.