Mischievous Niffler He turned to BEAM broadly AT one of the professors who had just asked welcomed him to the team. Who was this one again? They all met before term, of course, but at this moment his colleagues names were eluding him. Charles was certain that his name started with an H. "Why thank you my illustrious Professor-Sir-?" OH! "Hirsch! Professor Hirsch." The name snapped back into his head. Professor Hirsch was Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. He felt quite relieved at having remembered it. "I am very much looking forward to a year of adventure and teaching. How about yourself?"
Was sparkling a strange way to compliment someone? Perhaps, but Charles was rather fond of it. He beamed at the headmistress. "How wonderful to hear. I am doing quite splendid myself, thank you. This is a lovely feast."
Back to Kay. Professor Hirsch was not the only colleague whose name he had forgotten, and this time he was being called out. Riiiight. They had met before. No, the history of magic professor did NOT have a short term memory, thank you very much. That would be counterintuitive, no? "You're quite right, we have," he said, continuing to smile broadly and forcing the embarrassment at having forgotten his colleagues name (momentarily) way, WAY back in his mind. "I guess I must have forgotten some details due to...um...listening to a Fwooper shortly after our meeting. But I remember now. Are you looking forward to the new year?" |