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The moment Skylar had left the train, in lieu of taking the carriages led by what she knew to be thestrals, the sixth year had skipped that all together this year. Because she was the proud owner of a Bluebottle C, so why would she sit in a carriage for more small talk when she could fly?? Yup, that's right, the sixth year had carefully mounted her new broom, holding it one-handed, while she held her other broom alongside and flew alongside the carriages (well just above) and right into the castle once the doors opened for her...
Flying right past Zoryn confronting the Bloody Baron, latter of whom the Slytherin Captain would officially greet once she got settled. But flying.... which the snake hovered by the Slytherin table for the briefest of seconds as she glanced up at the staff dais for missing faces. Kalen Kennedy was indeed back, which while she hadn't done anything for that mission, she did feel a sigh of relief in knowing she'd have an Astronomy Professor for more than one term. But no C Stewart. No Rose Newton Marchand .... wait, was she pregnant???? Making a mental note to speak with Gaston soon about the involvement of charms in cursebreaking aspirations, she might subtly ask him. But then... the sixth year's heart sank. No River Reed. And it felt completely disrespectful to continuing hovering and staring at the staff dais because she never got to say goodbye. She would write; make sure he was at least okay. And maybe ask Hirsch later too if he knew of Reed's whereabouts, because the two were close, right? Least that's what Noelle had seemed to let onto her two years ago. Or was it three? Merlin, time really flew.
Dismounting off her broom, she grinned just in time to see a first year she'd met on the train be sorted into Slytherin.
"Hey, Aaron!! Welcome to Slytherin!" She grinned at him, sliding onto the bench next to him and propping her two brooms up next to her.
Waful was on FORM today with his sweeping and soaring -and he didn't even NEED a broom. He flew through the double doors of the great hall, and then flew around in a few impressively aerodynamic circles above the heads of the hoomans gathered below.
Get on his level, hoomans.
There was a certain one he was delivering important mail to, but they
all deserved to see how good he was at flying.
When he spotted his target he banked left and descended with a self-important "Hoo."
He dropped the package and the letter in front of her. Treats? Did the girl hooman have treats? He deserved SO many treats for this.
SPOILER!!: delivery!

To:: Captain Skylar Diggory
From:: West Odessa
Return Address :: c/o The Dead Kneazles Official Fanclub
To Skylar Diggory,
Congratulations! I have heard that not only is Quidditch finally back at Hogwarts, but you are the newest proud bearer of the Slytherin captain badge. It has a lot of history, that badge, so wear it proudly. I'll be cheering for you and your future team, and looking forward to seeing where Quidditch takes you in life. Attached you'll find something that I have been hanging on to since the moment I was told that Quidditch was cancelled, something that I have kept safe all this time which would have been passed on from captain to captain until it reached your hands anyway had the line not been broken by the tragedy that was Quidditch disappearing from Hogwarts. Remember your team is your family, and you have a legacy behind you.
West Odessa
Former Slytherin Captain
Former England Under Seventeens Chaser
Former Chaser for Wigtown Wanderers
Chaser for Montrose Magpies Attached is a large and thick playbook, filled with all sorts of Slytherin strategies, plays, training tips, stats, tricks, and magically animated skill diagrams, added to by Slytherin captains over a period of about 80 years. The most recent entries having been written by West Odessa, Derry Ferrier, and Dylan Montmorency The front of the playbook has now been charmed to read 'property of Slytherin Captain, Skylar Diggory'