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Daehyun was ready to put Shera up on a pedestal. First she saved him from buying robes that were anything but his size, and now she was even eager to help him learn how to fly? He reddened at the thought. "Let's see how much of a fool will I make of myself on our first lesson." Because he would. He could feel it. "Just-don't let me fly into any trees?"
He nodded enthusiastically at what Shera was telling him, when a sudden thought ran through his head. "Speaking of exploring... you don't suppose they sell invisibility cloaks here, do you?" GRIN.
If they were going to explore, they had to find all interesting places around the castle.
How much of a fool he made of himself?
"You know, there's probably going to be heaps of people that have never held a broom before. At least, not ones that are used to fly. I mean there should be a couple of muggleborns there. I don't think you'll be alone in not being good at it, and even if you do terribly it won't be making a fool of yourself. We're all going there to Hogwarts to learn things, aren't we?" she reasoned, rambling lightly with a soft smile on her face.
"And like I said, I'll help you. We'll get you flying like a pro before we graduate."
Shera felt pretty confident with her own logic. Flying was something that felt amazing, as long as you weren't scared. She had to help him feel that joy as well. Especially considering it was one of her favourite things to do!
Maybe it was tied with swimming?
"Ummmmm…" she hadn't seen any before. But the again, Shera hadn't been looking. A toothy grin crossed her face as she considered what he had considered.
"We can always have a look! And if not I'm sure we can find one somewhere else in Diagon Alley!"
While they definitely needed to have a look, she also wondered whether or not her parents might have had one stored somewhere. Shera would have to ask one of her house elves when she got home. With that thought in mind she skipped off to have a look around Madam Malkins, making sure to stay slow enough that Daehyun would have a chance at keeping up with her.