A room that has been used over the Hogwarts years for different divinatory purposes has been opened up again for the use of both students and faculty alike. It's located to the right of the drop down ladder to the Divination classroom. The tea room is a small tower room about the size of a professor's office, but without all the furniture. The room is decorated with a handful of small circular tables and chairs in the center with different coloured tea sets set up for either practice or a pleasurable afternoon tea time with friends. The floor is covered in a comfy red rug and lighting is provided by a big chandelier hanging from the ceiling and small firefly lamps on the tables. A few cupboards in student height line the back wall filled with divination equipment from tarot decks, dream diaries, scrying objects, lithomancy stones and the occassional crystall ball that anyone is free to use.
OOC: All School and SS rules apply! Professor Vance or someone else will most likely catch you if you use this room inappropriatley or for snogging, so be warned. But most of all have FUN!