Thread: Girls Dorms
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Old 08-20-2016, 11:10 PM
hermionesclone hermionesclone is offline
Ravenclaw Girls Dorms

Up a set of spiral staircase from the common room sits a set of doorways leading to the girls dorms. Each of these dorms are divided up by year groups with wooden plaques on each of the doors to tell you which one is which.

Enter the dorm and you'll find that it's been decorated in a similar fashion to the common room below. A number of four poster beds have been placed to fit the right number of people allocated to said dorm. The furniture is made of the same walnut wood and sky blue eiderdowns can be found here, along with silk drapes around the poster beds.

The same arched windows that are found in the common room can be found here as well, each giving the inhabitant a spectacular view of the grounds below. It's interesting to note that these windows often emit a soft whistling sound that is reminiscent of the whistling of the wind outside. While it may seem distracting, these sounds are often said to be relaxing and hardly noticeable after a while.

These dormitories are strictly for the girls of the house only. No boys allowed.