Thread: Slytherin Table
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Old 12-07-2017, 06:21 PM   #7 (permalink)

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Louis Bracken
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Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post

What was the point?

He sat down without talking to anyone at the table. He just wanted the feast over with. He could care less that they won the house cup, what did that really matter? He just wanted to be done with the social crap they made him do. Why were they all here?

Was that Dungbombs he smelled?

Was it over yet?
They won the house cup AND Natalie was a top Slytherin student and it was almost SUMMER TIME, which meant this young brunette Slytherin was in a GOOD mood. Yes, she was sad about leaving the castle, but considering all the crazy stuff that happened during the term, she was looking forward to getting out of there. Hopefully the Headmistress and like, the whole Board of Governors would sweep the castle while they were gone and make sure they weren't going to be in danger next year.

One could hope.

Bouncing into the Great Hall with a skip in her step, Natalie found an empty spot at her house table, beaming at all the green that filled the hall. The only thing distracting her from her happiness was her grouchy-looking housemate sitting nearby. He looked peeved, as usual. Natalie typically did her best to ignore his poor attitude, but... since it was the last day and all...

"Why are you always in such a bad mood?" She asked him, her bright blue eyes shining at him. It only bothered her a little.

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