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Old 12-07-2017, 08:06 AM   #3 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Default We see you, Zoryn... BUT HEY JOSEFIN HERE SHE IS!

Okay. Soooo... she didn't care for this. Not one bit. Nopenopenope. Baldvinsson was the ONLY reason she was here (not the ONLY but Dora Umbridge was too busy being HARD to admit that) at this feast with these people. Siiiigh.

She would have gone directly to the staff table, but Dora really REALLY didn't want to be SHAMED by Hawthorne on her last day. LAST DAAAY FOREVER. Like this was it. For real, for real. She would be going home for GOOD this time. Nothing could make her happier than going home to the man of her dreams and the little family she had gained with him (NOT BECAUSE THEY WERE MAKING A FAMILY OMG), but also being with her twin! She'd never admit it, but she missed that knuckle head immensely. And her dad of course.

But yeah okay enough of that. Slipping into a seat NEAR Zoryn, but not directly beside her, the blonde prooped her chin in her hand and STARED at the staff table trying to will the festive fat man to come see her. Maybe he'd have peanuts to share with her!
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