Originally Posted by WhittyBitty
Oooooh, right.
It was always a bit awkward when something like that came up, because really Veronica was not the best when it came to things like death. Though of course it wasn't as hard when it was someone who said person hadn't met before. Still didn't make things any less awkward for someone who wasn't always the best when it came to socializing even if she DID like talking to people. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I am sure she was a lovely lady." Because really... who wanted to think of a horrible grandparent?
She noticed that Ver was feeling uncomfortable. She smirked a bit, but not in a mean way. Over the years she had learned that people who were awkward tended to be decent humans beings. Not everyone who never really felt awkward was a bad person, and not every awkward person was a good one.
awkwardness was just a sign that she wasn't talking to someone who was too big headed. "From my understanding my grandmother was a good person. she died in her late 90s so she lived a long life." She thought now would be a good time to change the subject from death, although in a way that wouldn't seem forced."How about your grandmother, how is she?"
Humans are one of the strangest things imaginable.
Last edited by LasiodoraNorwich; 11-26-2017 at 06:41 PM.