Thread: SSRPG: Rose Bud - Sa16+
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Old 11-14-2017, 07:26 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Rose Bud - Sa16+

Rose Bud
Chapter 1 : Rainy Day

Disclaimer : This story was based on the series, created by , on which I have no property right and is not my intention to infringe any copyright.

What a drag Erin thought as she sat perched on the bay window seat and looked out upon her yard. Today was the first day of her summer vacation and yet it was a dim and dark day, the rain gently pattered on the opposing side of glass. It was as if it was teasing saying it just wanted to ruin her summer. Erin let out a deep sigh fogging the window that was a mere three inches from her. What could she do she thought, she could start her summer reading for the next term but she already dreaded opening up her textbooks. She began to wonder if there might be a spell in one of her textbook that would help dissipate the rain and let sun shine through so her summer could start in right track. Lost in her thoughts her roomed drove into the driveway as she had some errands to run.

“Hey can you help me with the bags in the car?” her mom chimed as she walked into the house her hands full of paper bags. Without even acknowledging her mom she rose from the seat and slipped in her shoes and ran out into the rain and grabbed the few remaining bags.

She closed the door behind her as she returns into the warmth of her house her blonde bangs stuck to her forehead thanks to the rain. Just the few seconds outside and she was soaked, she walked through the house into the kitchen and placed the bags down on the counter beside her mother’s cauldron she looked up at her mom and began to part her lips as to ask a question and her mother interrupted her before she said anything. “I know sweetie this isn’t what you were expecting for the first day of summer vacation.” With a weak smile her mom took out her wand and gently flicked it, the contents of the bags slowly rose up from the bags and levitated to their new homes.

Erin liked when her mom did magic, it was rare but it was nice to see. Her didn’t believe on using magic outside the house as she thought it wasn’t safe but in the confides of their home magic was okay.

“How about we make a potion Erin sweetie?” she asked her daughter. Erin’s face lit up almost instantly, “what kind of potion are we going to make mom?” she asked curiously. “Well Mr. Robinson gave me a few plant bulbs a couple of weeks ago how about we make a potion that make the grow quickly, maybe this year we can have a garden liked we always wanted” her mom said happily. The garden had always been her mom’s dream and no matter how hard they tried it never worked out. Every potion they made the flower yes bloom but die instantly afterwards, the best attempted they ever reached was a week and her mom was outside pouring potion after potion on it in attempts to keep it alive but to no avail. Neither of them naturally inherited a green thumb this could be why Erin was always failing herbology maybe it was cosmic karma, for her mad scientist experiments on plants during childhood. She was surprised Mother Nature hadn’t come to her door and sued her for the sake of all plants. But in all seriousness, there was nothing else to do as she turned her hand behind her to the bay window and looked at the dull gray sky as she finally responded “Sure let’s do this mom…”
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