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Old 11-12-2017, 11:37 PM   #17 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ruth (Rae) Elliot
First Year
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Default Cam ^^
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite

Originally Posted by Lislchen View Post
This was new.

It only took Cameron half a second to adjust however because while different, this was Hogwarts and a LOT stranger things than newly arranged desks were happening in this castle. "Good evening, Professor." He greeted the man with a polite smile then headed over to sit with Jessa. "Hey." She got a bigger smile because well it was Jessa.

That is until he noticed the bandage. "Are you okay?" Lightly touching her arm, Cam gave her a genuinely concerned look. Minor injuries aside (this was JESSA so he was starting to get used to seeing the occasional bruises and/or scratches) she looked kind of...out of it today.
Over and over her thumb rubbed against the bandage, her ears barely registering the Professor's concern. "Yeah...yeah I'm fine." But she wouldn't elaborate much for the man who'd given her strange looks when she first told him of her necromancy study. The last thing she needed was him giving her disapproving looks--or worse, going back to Professor Hirsch and insisting the study finally be put to an end.

It was Cameron who really pulled her from her thoughts and got her lips stretching into a smile without her really even giving it much thought.

His question saw her gaze drifting down to her hand. "Oh. This. Yeah. Apollo and Galileo got weird when I went to feed 'em just now. I dunno what happened, they just went crazy I guess but they're fine now." The last bit was quickly tacked on, so as not to give the impression she'd somehow lost control of her experiments...despite that being the only feeling that ran through her at the moment the birds went haywire. "It's nothing. Probably waited to long between feedings. I'll looking into it."

Hearing the Professor's words, Jessa sprung up, happy for the distraction. She took hold of her friend's hand to pull him up too. "Come be my partner? Oh, grab a quill." Then they could go.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________

______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.

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