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Old 11-10-2017, 03:37 AM   #92 (permalink)
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Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁

Props! The sixth year Ravenclaw had a box of them. Well, some specific and carefully crafted pieces to replace the destroyed ones, anyways.

Dressed all in black, Sam moved quietly around the auditorium, careful to avoid the bright lights of the stage, as would be normal of a stage hand. She was looking for the props' intended owners. Except looking would actually be a rather poor description of her behaviour; her eyes were blank, staring straight ahead, unreactive to what was going on around her...especially not the drama on stage. Strange for someone usually so alert. And if one were to look carefully, they'd notice her movement wasn't as lithe or light-footed as usual.

Sam first found Juniper, passing the younger Ravenclaw an oddly shaped staff made out of a finely polished wood, currently wrapped in protective paper. The paper itself wasn't fancy, just the thin recycled sort - like blank newspaper without the print, or the stuff fish and chips sometimes came wrapped in. She didn't utter a word to explain what it was, or which scene it was to be used for, just continuing onwards with her task...her blank expression remaining intact.

Next she found Junia. The object she pulled out of her box this time was much smaller and round, fitting easily in the palm of the hand even with the tissue paper wrapped round it to keep it safe. Contained within the layers was a crystal brooch - although again, the Ravenclaw didn't give anything away as to what the Slytherin should expect. Her gaze refused to make eye contact, instead staring unblinkingly at some unknown point in the distance as she silently moved on.

She had one last thing to pass out for now...but where was Emmeline? She wandered around back stage to no avail, before making her way back out discretely along the side of the set so as not to disturb the rehearsal. Maybe she should give the wrapped necklace to Myers to look after instead? She stood at the side of the stage, waiting for him to step back from the action and see her.
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