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Old 11-08-2017, 09:49 PM   #154 (permalink)
Devina Wellheart

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Join Date: May 2011
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Silas Rainier Montesh Jr
First Year
1 of 4 Amigos Don't underestimate me!

Originally Posted by emjay View Post
SPOILER!!: Zephyr and Austin

Silently, the sphinx watched the first of the two humans to approach her. Ridiculous things, humans were, and she let an amused smirk play at her lips as one of them spoke. She took her time answering, allowing her eyes to fall on the outstretched hand.

"A scarab, do you say?" she finally drawled slowly after what was surely to be a long and very uncomfortable silence to the humans. "Leave it at my feet." She would inspect it momentarily. "But before I can let you pass, you must answer me this -

"As light as air, I float through the skies. But a human's touch will find my demise. Who am I?" And they'd better answer wisely. Who knew what fate would befall them if they were incorrect.

Zephyr about jumped out of his skin as the sphinx began to speak and move.. He looked at the huge beast and listened and then looked over at Austin... " Dude... Go and put it at at her feet..", he whispered. Clearly she was a female... " Austin... I'm pretty sure I know the answer... I think it's Lightening... It goes through the air and it'll kill a person?... Tell her after ya put the scarab thing down.. ".. Zeph was still suffering the near blinding back at the pyramid, he didn't need anymore near death moment or catastrophies..
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