Gryffindor for life Notorious Niffler
Transfiguration was definitely one of the hardest branches of magic taught at Hogwarts, and homework in this subject often made Emmeline's head spin. Still, at least it was wand magic and not all awful like Potions and Herbology. Plus, Cami taught Transfiguration, so Emmeline felt like she HAD to be pretty positive about these lessons no matter what. Family support and all that, you know?
The second year bounced into her guardian's sixth-floor classroom with a biiig grin on her face. As the snow faded and spring weather flooded the grounds, Sirius became wayyy more active and wanted to be outside more and stuff. Not that her cruppy minded the snow so much, really, but Emmeline definitely appreciated all the sunshine and the relative lack of cold that March brought. She wasn't the biggest fan ever of loads of snow and coldness, especially when it came to running around outside with her cruppy. The only downside to better weather was that the twelve-year-old girl didn't really want to be stuck inside the castle and going to lessons when the weather was super nice. She tended to spend more time daydreaming in lessons and counting down the minutes 'till she could go get her cruppy out of his kennel again.
She was in a fairly cheerful mood today, though. Nothing really disturbing ever happened in Transfiguration, not like in Divination when weird, scary things could happen and stuff. She beamed at Cami as she bounced her way over to her usual seat kind of in the middle of the room, and called out: "Hiiiii, Professor!" She was always super careful to call her guardian by her title in lessons and stuff, mhm.