Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Vivian was still very much determined to do better in Charms. Not that she sucked at it at all, but the blond knew she had a loooot more to learn. She also had been working a lot harder lately, considering just how close her OWLs were. Just months away? Too soon, tooooo soon!
Peeking inside the classroom, Vivian blinekd when she realised that she was the first student to class. That... rarely happened, but it felt like a small achievement for the prefect to know that she arrived first to a Charms class. Not bad. "Good morning, professor," Vivian greeted the man with a smile. "What's that, sir?" The box under his... and the one on his table, too. Nothing was gonna jump out of it today, yeah? She then made her way to the refreshments table at the back and snagged a cookie. Maybe she'll consider a cup of hot chocolate for later. The cookie would suffice for now, she thought, and then took a seat near the front. She'd usually sit at the back, but she had "got to do better in Charms" priorities today.
Also, ooooooh bubbles!
__________________ It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling... |