Thread: Art Classroom
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Old 10-31-2017, 10:54 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Default Middle of the night
Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁

Night had been shrouding the castle in darkness for a while when the sixth year quietly pushed open the door to the Art Classroom. Her usually bright, alert eyes stared blankly ahead, her movements almost robotic, as she sought out the various pieces that had so far been produced for the play. Artwork for the set backgrounds, props, plans...they all needed sabotaging.

Which what exactly what she did.

She ripped and stomped her way through the pile, knocking over stray paint pots and water jars, leaving no item untouched. Props were crushed, set panels laid broken and splintered. Finished or work in progress, it didn't matter. Quite the mess was left in the Ravenclaw's wake for her small size.

And when she was done, Sam pulled a howler out of the pocket of her pajamas, placing the envelope carefully on a nearby desk. Her attention turned to the door, and she exited as quietly as she'd appeared, silently retracing her steps in the shadows back towards the Ravenclaw tower.
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