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Old 10-31-2017, 06:47 PM   #40 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means

Text Cut: Individual replies <3
Text Cut: Juni
Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry View Post
Quodpot! She didn't remember much from the time she lived in Canada, she was very little when they moved to England. But her brother and other family members talked about it quite often. She was completely oblivious to the game.

And they were suppose to pick a team either purple which was her FAVORITE color or orange which wasn't so much her favorite color. But seeing the two teams were currently uneven Juni picked up her broom and went over to join the ORANGE team.

She walked over to Emmeline and stood next to her. Seeing that she looked a little apprehensive Juni gave the younger girl a reassuring smile She tied the ribbons around her broom and listened to Mr Flying Professor. Thinking about the question, though it was quite a rule or penalty raising her hand. "Play Fair." Again it really wasn't a rule or anything it was just something that EVERYONE should do you know. Plus to be honest she couldn't think of one of the quodpot rules to save her life at the moment.

Haraldur nodded towards Juni. "Very important, Miss Primeaux." He agreed before adressing the rest of the group. "As always, I expect all of you to be on your best behaviour."

Text Cut: Skylar
Originally Posted by UndeadRising View Post
So at first, Skylar wasn't sure anyone else was going to join team orange. Which wouldn't have really bothered the fifth year too much, considering both herself and Henry were quite experienced flyers. But then Tenacius joined their team and Patrick and Emmeline too, at which Sky beamed at all of them. Team Orange was totally going to win. And Juniper too, whom she recognized as one of the fellow leading ladies in the play.

Before they could begin though, time to hash out some rules... which as long as it wasn't modified to be ONE-SIDED and unfair the way Stewart had done, she was cool. Actually, that should be rule. "Both sides have equal opportunity to score." Couldn't have just one defending and one offending. And anyone who was in Muggle Studies would understand that. "And you can't hold the quod for more than two minutes... you have to pass to your teammate, otherwise it automatically goes to the other team." Sounded legit, maybe?

"Very good, miss Diggory. The game should be fair and both teams have equal opportunities." Haraldur nodded. "Teamplay is very important in today's game and it's usually around two minutes for possession of the Quod. We'll have a bit quicker play today however, to include all the players on the team." But yes, two fair points.

Text Cut: Viv
Originally Posted by Kayla Taaffe View Post
Viv was excited about quodpot. She walked over to two girls standing alone together. She thought, "Wow! This'll be easy!" She was ready to have some fun! "I would say the most important rule is politeness and respect!"

"Also, very true Miss Awning." Haraldur smiled at the young Ravenclaw. "As always, I want fair play on and off the field."

Text Cut: Tenacius
Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
Oh so wait.... they get to invent the rules? Arent there supposed to be gameplay rules already? "Can we have a rule that curly haired people dunking the quod gets an extra x10 on the overall score?" he beamed jokingly.

"Oh yeah and uh, no diving*" there that sounded more sensible eh? Also that totally is part of the rulebook for both Quidditch and Quodpot as far as he can recall.

*Diving – Feigning being fouled to unjustly retain possession.

Haraldur smiled at the Gryffindor prefect's first suggestion. He didn't play favorites. Unless someone offered him a bag of peanuts before the lesson. But since no one knew about that, officially; he didn't play favorites. So no extra points Tenacius.

Amused, he he was more interested in the second part of the boy's reply. "Very good, Mr. Salander! This one you know from Quidditch and is also applicable in Quodpot."

Text Cut: Patrick
Originally Posted by siriusblackliveson View Post
Patrick was watching everyone moving to their sides and teams before they began. Rules, what kinds of rules were a bunch of kids going to come up with anyhow? He couldn't figure any specific rules that would not limit the scope of the game. Although he finally decided that there was one, "No excessive pushing?" his voice trailed off as he thought about it, maybe he was the only one who wanted to not be pushed around since he was already carrying a possible exploding quaffle.

Haraldur moved his attention from Tenacius to the young Slytherin and nodded. "Exactly, Mr. Dooley! But I would like to alter that suggestion to no pushing of any sort. Physical contact won't be needed today."

Text Cut: Emmeline
Originally Posted by NifflerFan View Post
Quodpot honestly sounded like the most fun flying game ever (other than Quidditch). Quidditch would always be the absolute, super best game ever in Emmeline's opinion buuut... Exploding Quaffles!!! She was trying realllly hard not to start dancing in anticipation. Or not to mount her broom too early and stuff, 'cause she realllly wanted to get flying now mhm.

Emmeline shot Juni a grin as the Ravenclaw girl joined Team Orange too. They were totally going to win!

Ughhh, rules. The twelve-year-old was NOT a big fan of too many rules in games like this; they tended to bog people down and cut out some fun parts. Still, she did see the need for a few super basic rules, like... "Maybe no knocking someone off their brooms on purpose?", she suggested tentatively. Of course people were going to fight over the quods and stuff in the air and probably crash into each other, but she supposed it would be kind of bad if someone just dive bombed another player juust so their team could have more people left on the field, mhm. Unless that was part of the game, of course. She didn't mind either way much, really; she just wanted to get all this rules talk done faster so that they could get in the air.

Following Patrick's suggestion was another one concerning physical contact. Haraldur gave the young Gryffindor a nod. "I would definitely agree to that. No knocking people off their brooms. No tackling or physical contact will be needed in this class. Very well spotted, Miss Sparkes."

Text Cut: Etta
Originally Posted by Lady of Light View Post
Etta didn’t feel too sure about this game. It sounded complicated. She’d just started to enjoy quidditch.. and now, they had to try something entirely new. She just hoped she didn’t end up embarrassing herself. Oooooooh, wait. They got to come up with their own rules? Interesting. Honestly, Etta didn’t have anything new to add. Whatever she came up with had already been mentioned.. but she decided to answer anyway.

“I think people should have fun and not take the game too seriously.” The prefect added, raising a hand. Not a rule but you know. It was just a small suggestion, that’s all.

Haraldur smiled over at Etta. A suggestion he could completely agree with. "Truer words have not been spoken." Truer words probably had been spoken but you know... He was in full agreement.

Text Cut: Maisie
Originally Posted by Moonhare View Post
Maisie tied her hair behind her head. It was usually swinging around by her hips, but it was impossible to fly like that.

She raised her hand. "What about a speed limit, Professor? There are some students much older than us First Years and they have much more experience with brooms. We should make sure it's balanced." Maisie pulled on flying gloves. She was nervous about flying with NEWT age students, especially when an exploding Quaffle was being thrown around!

Haraldur considered Maisie's suggestion for moment."Speed limit is indeed an option, Miss Dimple." He mused, thoughtfully. "But we're only going to be holding the Quod for a maximum of 10 seconds each so hopefully speed won't be a problem today." He gave her a smile. "I like the way you think though, Miss Dimple. The game should be fair despite the age gap between some of you."

When no more hands were in the air, Haraldur clapped his own together to get their attention again. "Very nice suggestions, everyone! You're all on point. These are the rules we'll have in play for today's game: Each player may only hold the Quod for 10 seconds. This differs from Quidditch and is based upon the importance of teamplay. This includes everyone and prevents just one single player from speeding over the pitch to score. If a player is not able to pass the Quod in the given time, the team loses possession of the Quod to the other team." He gave Skylar a look here because. Well, she kind of called that one.

"As Mr. Salander mentioned, no diving. This is not allowed in Quodpot nor in Quidditch. Feigning being fouled will not work and may result in your elimination.” Stern look. #I’mwatchingyou. "No direct physical contact is needed in this game." He continued with Patrick and Emmeline's suggestions. "Tackling is not allowed. It will result in your elimination.”

Pause for dramatic effect.

“The last rule I want to implement for today’s game is blocking of the cauldrons. The cauldrons.” He pointed at one with a purple ribbon behind them, and then over his shoulder at the other end of the pitch on the one with an orange ribbon tied around it. ”The orange team scores in the cauldron with the orange ribbon, the purple team scores in the one with the purple ribbon. But I want the whole team out on the field. Only one player from each team may enter the scoring circle marked around each cauldron.”

Haraldur walked over to the school brooms and picked up the one he'd chosen to use for the lesson. It wasn’t his own but it would do. ”Everyone mount your broom!” He kicked off the ground, hovering a few feet up in the air, waiting for the students to join him before flying higher up. ”Orange team, I want you on this side of the pitch. Purple team, you start on this side.” He gestured for the orange players to stay on the side of the pitch with the purple cauldron and for the purple players to start at the side with the orange cauldron. ”At my signal, I will release the first Quod. It will explode approximately every 5 minutes unless it’s in one of the cauldrons.” He caught sight of some worried expressions and waved his hand dismissively. ”Oh, don’t you worry, kids. It won’t hurt ya. A little soot never hurt anyone.” He chuckled. ”If you’re unlucky enough to hold the Quod when it explodes, please return to the ground and follow the game play from there.”

With no immediate questions, he got his wand out of the inner pocket of his coat and pointed it at the trunk, still on the ground. The lid flew open and one of the Quods shot up in the air, straight past them.

Not half a second later, the instructor blew the horn around his neck and the game began.

OOC: Let’s get ready to rrrrrrrrrumble!
No, but yes. So let’s be realistic with this one guys.
You can only RP your intentions, not the outcome, as usual. Pass to your team mates, block the Quod from entering the cauldron appropriately, let it land in the cauldron occasionally. Can’t be there to block every shot, eh?

OH. And the Quod will explode. Can’t be avoided really. Have the Quod explode occasionally, if you don’t want to be eliminated; it can explode mid-pass, in which case Haraldur will release a new Quod. It’s all fun and games.

If a team scores or the Quod explodes and a new one will have to be released, it’s OK to RP as though Haraldur released a new Quod in the middle of the pitch for either team to grab. I will try to be around all the time but… Ya know. I sleep and stuff.

I have written out examples below of what is allowed to RP. Take a look at that if you’re unfamiliar with the concept aaand I also provided a textcut with the rules and penalties.

Text Cut: Game play example

Player 1: Grabs hold of the Quod the instructor released and sets off towards the orange cauldron. Loops around a purple player and sees that orange player 2 is free just in time before the 10 seconds run out. Player 1 sends the Quod their way.

Purple player: Purple player leans forward on the broom to pick up speed and right before orange player 2 reaches out for the Quod, purple player catches it and makes a swift turn to head in the opposite direction. Passes to purple player 2.


Text Cut: Scoring example
Attacking player: […] with one swift motion throws the Quod towards the cauldron, hoping it will land perfectly and give the team another point.
Defending player: […] Reaches out with their hand, only just touching the Quod with their fingertips before watching it land in the cauldron.

Text Cut: Rules and penalties:

Quod possession
Description: Possession of the Quod for no more than 10 seconds.
Penalties: The team loses possession of the Quod.
Description: Feigning being fouled to unjustly retain possession.
Penalty: The team loses possession of the Quod. Severe: Player elimination.
Physical contact
Description: Any form of physical contact to get hold of the Quod. (Tackling, elbowing etc.)
Penalty: Player elimination.
Scoring circle
Description: Only one player from each team at a time may enter the scoring circle in defensive and offensive play.
Defending team: The attacking team gets a penalty shot (no players in the scoring circle to defend the cauldron.
Attacking team: The defending team gains possession of the Quod.
Description: Unsportsmanlike conduct such as spitting, foul language, etc.
Penalty: Player elimination/loss of house points.

Text Cut: Team listing

Team Purple
  • Maisie Dimple
  • Jessa Cambridge
  • Derfael Ashburry-Hawthorne
  • Henrietta Kramer
  • Kirk Forsfelle
  • Sam Tyler

Team Orange
  • Henry Whittebrook
  • Skylar Diggory
  • Tenacius Salander
  • Patrick Dooley
  • Emmeline Sparkes
  • Juniper Primeaux

  • Please label your posts if the Quod explodes or if you allow the Quod to land in the cauldron, this makes it easier to keep track of what's going on and to name the winner in the end!
  • Please bold the name of the player you send the Quod towards.

I’ll be around this whole time. Confuzzled? Drop me a PM or nudge me on any other platform you feel comfortable with.

Class will end in approx. 4 days4th November, 7 PM + GMT + 2.

Please have fun with this! And may the best team win!

Also happy Halloween guise. *pets pitchfork-collection*

- Josie

Last edited by potterobsessionist; 10-31-2017 at 06:54 PM.
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