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Old 10-29-2017, 05:55 PM   #30 (permalink)
Nordic Witch

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Rose Snakebark
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
JT Forsfelle
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ariadne Rose
Third Year

Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley
Ecological Protection
Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!

SPOILER!!: Student replies
Originally Posted by RachieRu View Post
Smiling, when she'd wrote it down, she put her hand into the air. "I've heard people say that the full moon makes them feel more energetic and alert during the phase of the full moon. Also our bodies and minds are connected to the lunar cycle, so I guess that means it could influence our readings, and maybe make it a little easier to understand them?"
A lot of hands shot up this time and Laurel let Hattie answer first with a nod in her direction. "Good Hattie, you are on to something. Some people do believe that the full moon makes them feel more energetic and alert, but it's not the same for everyone since other people have complained of feeling more unsettled during this moon phase." Everyone was different. It was weird if there was no diversity. "But yes our minds and bodies are connected to the lunar cycle. Hold on to that thesis that the connection can influence our readings to make them easier to understand. You'll get to test it out soon enough."

Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
Not particular. Did she feel it properly incentivized? No, but she supposed she couldn't remain silent for the entirety of the lesson. As a result, the Ravenclaw slowly lifted her hand.

"Only reason I can think about is if you happen to be out of lights. The full moon's particularly bright, you'd be able to more accurately see whatever you're looking at as opposed to a night with no moon or a half moon."
A practical answer, because she wasn't sold on Hattie's. Maybe the moon did have power and maybe she should have studied it but for now...she would stick to practicality.
Jessa provided a practical answer that wasn't what she had expected to come but Professor Vance rolled with it. It had importance too. Turning her attention to the eagle she responded kindly. "Yes, the full moon gives off a very bright light especially on unclouded nights and if you are out then it could serve as a beacon to guide your steps as well as any wand or torch would do. The full moon light is very illuminating and can shed light on many of natures wonders like colourful flowers if you have time to look."

Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
Not that there was anything she could do about it; besides, unlike the last time when she felt unsafe at Hogwarts, she was one of the 'older kids' now, being fifth year.
"The full moon also symbolizes wisdom and intuition, which if there's one thing I'm certain about with Divination, it's to trust your intuition, so it makes sense on that note to divine under full moon conditions." Or well, maybe not, but it kind of made sense and was connected?
Skylar added on to the discussion with some good points of her own. She had it seemed read up on the moon before the lesson. Turning to her Professor Vance nodded. "Yes Skylar the full moon symbolises wisdom and intuition which is two of the important key's to becoming a good diviner. During the full moon phase days our senses are sharpened and divination readings performed under these conditions have in some cases proven to be more accurate and true."

Originally Posted by lazykitty View Post
"Nope, just coffee, madame." He wasn't one to just drink potions willy-nilly, thank goodness.
As for the question about water scrying in relation to the moon? Yeah, he didn't know the answer to that one. But, if he had to hazard a guess? "It could be that it was the way it was done centuries ago, before electricity and everything and scrying by full moon is now just a way of connecting with our ancestors." Because it would be easier to see what you were supposed to be looking for with a light instead of the moon, non? Then again, it be that tiredness was just making him look for the simplest answer.
Thankfully Ronan had the good sense to not drink something which wasn't allowed. Coffee though at his young age?

Pushing away coffee thoughts she focused on what he was saying which even though it seemed taken out of the air wasn't something she discarded. It did have thought behind it. Eyes on the lion Professor said with a nod. "Interesting, water scrying has indeed been practiced for a very long time Ronan so it could still act as a link to our ancient ancestors." If they got through to the powers above that was another story.

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post

What did he know about the full moon and water? Only something completely practical and no where near what anyone else was talking about...but his hand was up regardless to try and contribute. "Well...full moons are connected with the tides...and um..." he paused to ruffle his hair, trying to remember what dad had said about them since his work in aquatic herbology was kinda heavily influenced by the tides and lunar cycle. "...and...well... Earth is able to hold onto everything, with gravity and stuff, except the like...the Moon's pull on water during a full moon is at its strongest...althouhgh such a small amount of water like what is in our bowls isn't reaaaaaaaaally gonna be effected by the Moon's pull like the oceans and lakes are is kinda more...fluid?"
Derfael raised his voice next and Laurel had to strain her ears as he went into a long winded answer that made sense even if it was a bit hard to follow. Blinking she responded with a look over at the young badger. "You right Derf, the moon's pull on the water and tides is strongest during a full moon night. And its also true that the moon's pull on the water in our bowls won't have the same strength as it would on the black but it will be enough to suit our scrying practice tonight."

Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post

But right DIVINATION. Why are they out here at night under that big ball of luminous light? He racked his brains hard trying to remember if theres anything from his half-hearted listening of his grandma that says anything about full moons.... and maybe there was something. Up goes the hand "Professor, my grandma says that water collected during the night of the full moon is more potent, and is specially helpful for those who had a hard time connecting with the element of water." Yeah thats how that stuck to his head-- Moon Princess Yue of the Water Tribe.
Turning to Tenacious she nodded "Your grandma isn't wrong Tenacious. Water picked during the night of the full moon has a bigger potency then regular water and is thus preferred if you want a good connection to the element of water via scrying or in some other way and get a more accurate reading."

Originally Posted by Lady of Light View Post
The girl absently took down notes on her parchment, wondering when class would be over. YAWWWWN.
... and the professor was asking another question. She tried to focus, thinking it was best to ignore her tiredness for the moment and answer this question. UM. “Maybe it’s because... people have some kind of connection with the full moon that might help them with scrying?” .. okay, that wasn’t a great answer but it was the best she could come up with.
Etta voice was heard next and Laurel's gaze flickered over to the badger prefect as she responded kindly. "Your thought is correct Etta. All people have a connection to the full moon, but I like to believe that diviners like you and your peers and me have a stronger connection to the moon that will make our scrying readings more accurate, true and strong."

Originally Posted by Moonhare View Post
The little blonde took as many notes as she could. She felt more awake now.
Maisie raised her hand. “Is it the connections to witches in myth? Something to do with heritage and tradition. Witches were always connected to the full moon in the old days. I don’t know about wizards though…” Maisie tailed off.
Myth? Of all answers she had perceived to get Maisie wasn't one of them. Turning to the first year she smiled "Both witches and wizards are connected to the full moon and it's the same in present time as in the days of old. The moon's cycles has a constant effect on us and nature and it never stops its just stronger and more potent during the full moon cycle."

Originally Posted by siriusblackliveson View Post
Patrick had been observing everyone in the classroom and their answers as to why they thought it was best to scry in water in moonlight. His eyebrows knit down as he thought hard about it. He raised his hand thinking it over, "Could it be that it is the type of light that allows you to see the depths of everything." This whole divination thing was still a bit hard, but he figured he'd get better at it as he went on in Hogwarts.
Patrick was the second to last student that still had an answer to give. Professor Vance listened and then responded to him with a smile. "The full moon light is very strong and can strengthen the diveners readings but to see the depths of everything as you put it Patrick requires many many years of practice and a very strong Inner Eye." So it was unlikely that they'd stumble over some shocking truths about the future to come but you never knew.

Originally Posted by hermygirl View Post
Sam's thinking was honestly pretty much in the same practical vein as Jessa's: it'd be easier to see stuff with more light. Although, really it depended where you were. The city never really got dark, not true dark, so the full moon would have less impact there, than, say, the middle of the countryside with no nearby source of light pollution. Although the city lights would be less focused than the moon's, which gave her the idea for an answer.

"Is it to do with the contrast of the dark sky on the water and light of the moon catching on it's ripples making it clearer to read?" Worth a try, at least.
Samantha was the last student to contribute with her thoughts before Laurel moved on. It was clear that the eagle girl really had given her answer some thought. Which was a plus. "The light of the moon does on a dark clear night illuminate everything it shines on very strongly Sam and it would make ripples on the water be clearer to see and read for signs to interpet."

"Good reasoning everyone!" Laurel said as she moved over to open the windows, it had gotten quite hot and stuffy in the room. "The full moon effects us every month and during that lunar phase some feel more alert and energized. Our minds and bodies are intricately connected the lunar cycles and so is the water."

"Water scrying under the light of full moon is one of the simplest forms of Divination that you'll be taught here at Hogwarts. All you need to perform it is a clear sky, a full moon, a flat work space and a scrying medium like the dark water bowls set out on each of your tables and a full water pitcher."

"In some minutes we are going to try our hands at water scrying, but before we do that we need to clear our minds of distracting thoughts to get our Inner Eye's ready to SEE.

Everyone come up and gather around me in a half circle under the moon light. Close your eyes and attune yourself to the energy that surrounds you, hear the wind rustling in the trees, feel the earthly scent of snow, grass and dirt that lingers in the air and the occasional cry of creature. Raise your hands over your heads palms up and feel the power of the moon and your deep connection to it. When you deem that the moons power is with you, you can open your eyes, let your hands drop to your sides and retake your seats at your tables."

Mini activity time! Catch up posts are allowed throughout. Do what Laurel instructed and go up to her by the windows, meditate til your student feels that the power of the moon is with them and then have them retake their seats. You'll have 3 days til Wednesday November 1st @ approx 7 pm to complete the activity in one or as many posts as you'd like before I move on. Have fun, be creative, quirky!
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