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Old 10-24-2017, 01:55 AM   #20 (permalink)
Sneakeh Cat

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Yay, Hamlet! • Cathopper • Disney Fanatic • I was normal once...

Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
One thing that Chloe decided that would never change was the fact that all the guys (and girls) here seemed to be like twice her age. Or her parent's age, who were almost twice her age. Nevermind the fact that she was a mother and almost a quarter of a century old. But it did make her pickings slim, unless she wanted someone older than her father. Absently placing some tofu stir-fry thing on her plate, she glanced to her side to see someone donned in all green (Noah) and she did have to smile at his bravery. Men who wore coloured suits and could pull it off seemed to be few and far between. Reminded her of her head of house, whom she recalled from previous orientations, was working at the Ministry now. She'd have to see if she could find him later, give him minor heart attacks about his students being all grown adults now.

It was when someone asked are you vegetarian too? That for a moment, Chloe's heart skipped a beat. Until she noticed the graying hair. But she would be happy to discuss vegetarianism with the older population and educate them that there was more to it than just celery, she mused noticing his plate. "Since I was like thirteen or fourteen," Chloe answered simply. "Try this." She scooped some of the stir-fry onto his plate. "You look new to this lifestyle?"
Dorian was estimating the girl to be in her late 20's, give or take a few years. He was prepared to work amongst children, per say, but it would be a new experience for him. Since he had been an Ambassador for a decade, he was use to working amongst older people. People his age. Maybe working among the younger generation would bring out the youth in him? He still has yet to hit his midlife crisis, which he knew would be happening within the next few years.

"I'm not that -" He stopped and looked down at the stir-fry on his plate. "I can make some amazing vegetable stir-fry." Thank you very much. Cooking was something he was actually great at. "I just wasn't all that hungry." Since it was on his plate now though, he might as well give it a try. "It's a temporary lifestyle until my health gets better," he replied. Vegetables were great, but so was beef.... and chicken. He could eat some fried chicken right about now - or friend shrimp. Either, or.

_______________________________You may hate me, but it ain't no lie: bye bye bye.
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