post 1 + question • HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry • This was going stellar for Kirk. As he had practiced with the rest of the class on the wand movement. Sure, it was cool how Orion and Scorpius had their rivalry in the stars though it seemed that Orion would have more favour between the two. Creating stars though.. hmm.. He could imagine some good use for this decoration wise. He had an enchanted night ceiling stars back home. "Professor, how long does this spell last for?" Maybe he could replace the muggle stars above his own bed here..
For the first part, Kirk began to trace out the star before exclaiming, "Stell-AIR-is." Perhaps his interest in the constellations made this quite a calming task as one emerged from his wand nearly perfect onto the patch. One star down, now for the next. |