Not a Bang-Ended Scoot. Smh. *BURNS* *STINGS* *BITES* The rootin' tootin' fire beasties grew closer and closer as each second went by. They were wasting no time to seek revenge, some because their pals had been rudely treated and others because, well, this place flat out agitated them. These humans were SO RUDE.
And the spell that the girl (Skylar) had cast was just downright mean. It was NOT fetch. It just simply wasn't going to happen. These humans were mean girls. And the three of them being trapped inside a cage together was definitely not grool. Even though they had been stopped from moving forward, their flames, more intense than before, were still able to get through the bars.
The remaining skrewt was left to her own defences. Though it didn’t take long for her to be hit by one of the human's (Zoryn) spells. In spite of the magic that had been casted on it, it did no good. The skrewt's armour made it nearly impossible for it to be tickled. If anything, all the spell did was move it back a foot or two.
It then began to move forward once more ... only to freeze, half-way at least, thanks to another one of the two-legger's (Jessa) spells. Half of its body was limb, causing it to fall to the floor. It's still functional side made it move in a circle, going nowhere at all.
WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING, DUMB DUMB! Gawsh. Humans sure had a knack for acting like they owned the place, did they? The skrewt that one of the girls (Scarlett) tripped over shot out a burst of fire from her rear and moved forward, making sucking noises.
She was going to show this human that this was the year of the skrewt. With her being wandless, this was sure to be easy. If only that armour wasn't here. She was thirrrrrrrsty for blood.
'Fin' flapped his way around the room, following the boy (Ronan) the best he could with his new body feature. These wings sure were coming in handy!
Out of his rear, flames continued to spew. He following the clanging sound and locked his target in, the stinger ready to strike an impactful blow...
And then the skrewt fell to the ground, the duck wings disappearing. The beast angrily let out a great blast of flame and charged.
With some spellwork and the help of an additional rune, one of the skrewts was frozen on the spot. She was just about to release some fire out of its bottom, but suddenly the flame died out and she could no longer move. With all its might, the beast tried to break free of this horrible trick, but was not able to do so.
A second skrewt soon joined the ranks. At least he would be frozen with his love. #relationshipgoals
Well played, human (Charlotte). Well played.
More water was conjured thanks to another tiny human (Viv), which only upset the skrewts nearby even more. What was it with humans using water? Didn’t they know that FIRE was good? Sheeeeeesh!
And then stunning was just RUDE. A few of the baby skrewts, whose outer shell was still developing, easily were knocked out. This of course had a pride. Mommy and daddy skrewt did not appreciate this one bit. No, they did not. So, naturally, the two decided to teach the human a lesson that would be burned in her memories forever.
The skrewt that had been knocking on the woman's (Marilyn) shield was, to put it mildly, hating on the human hardcore. How rude of her to not let her inside her private bubble. Was that how she treated everyone? The skrewt would have at least let the human come inside her dwelling had the roles been reversed. Granted the human would've been roasted.
Speaking of roasting, the skrewt angrily spat out fire from its backside. FIGHT LIKE A MAN, YOU COWARD!
__________________  *FARTS FIRE OUT OF BUM* |