10-17-2017, 12:01 AM
Love Chamber 
Behind this unassuming but heavily protected door, Unspeakables conduct research on one of the most mysterious and potent types of magic known to Wizardkind: Love. The door to the Ever-locked Room has been charmed so that no amount of Alohomora or magical pen-knives will permit entry. You might notice a pleasant or perhaps annoying scent as you enter. That would be the fountain of Amortentia located in the exact center of the room. To the immediate left of the fountain are workstations, cauldrons, burners and cabinets full of supplies and ingredients for the Potioneers to conduct their research. On the right side of the room are workstations where the Charmists perform their duties.
Caution should be used by all specialists working in the Love Chamber. Getting hit by stray spells or accidentally ingesting a potent love potion would probably not be what you had in mind for a day's work.