Gryffindor for life Notorious Niffler
Professor Kennedy's raised eyebrow didn't go unnoticed by the second year, but since he wasn't taking points off or anything, she didn't really care. Zoryn was funny, and the professor clearly didn't want any answers that weren't all serious and stuff -- maybe especially from Zoryn -- which was no fun and stuff. Not that Astronomy was usually much fun anyways; Emmeline only really liked it when they got to look at the sky and observe pretty things, but the TONS of theory involved in this subject was guaranteed to bore the Gryffindor almost to tears.
She only half-listened to all of Professor Kennedy's talking and stuff after all, realllly only paying attention to his new question. She had absolutely noooo idea what the answer was at all, so she started flipping through their textbook at lightning!speed to find the star names. See, she could totally do this school thing and stuff. After a few minutes of skimming and trying realllly hard not to yawn, Emmeline raised her hand and added, "There's Mintaka too, Professor." She wasn't going to say anything more than the star's name, though, 'cause the textbook had too much information written about it and she didn't feel like reading so much, mhm.