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Old 10-14-2017, 05:29 AM   #40 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ally Rory
First Year
Stay Free

Originally Posted by MunchyBubbles View Post
SPOILER!!: Replies!

Ahh here came his first student and no surprise it was a Ravenclaw, their common room was the closest to the Tower after all. ”Hello Mr.Forsfelle, and sadly no spotting Venus tonight, not with this cloud cover.“ It was a shame he couldn’t control the weather but he could still teach his lesson. So there was that.

Kalen nodded as the next student entered and one eyebrow raised at his question, but he had no problem with it. ”Of course you can, Mr. Katharos, feel free to switch with anyone up in the first few rows.“ He said with a smile as the boy said he could do the levitation spell. Ahh to be a first year again.

Kalen had to hide a grin as he noticed the next student yawning as she walked in, always seemed to happen since the class was held so late, hopefully the bright lights and the cool air would help her wake up, yeah? ”Evening Miss McKinley, Welcome. “ He said as he turned towards the door.

Kalen nodded as the next student also walked into the classroom yawning, Merlin’s beard it was hard enough to teach without the constant need to yawn all the time. Maybe the lights needed to be brighter? Coffee? Did he need to play loud music? ”Hello Miss Primeaux, I am well and how are you this evening?“ He asked as he checked his watch, it was still evening, if only for a few more minutes.

Ahh Miss Cambridge, the one student he could count on to be awake and alert. And asking questions, always with the questions. ”Hello Miss Cambridge.” He said as he watched her go to sit down and then saw her notice the door. Ahh, she would be the first to notice it. ”Sadly the universe would not fit in the school, unlike Narnia.“ He said with a soft grin. ”It is not a tease, you will find out what it’s for later on in the Lesson, and no, there will be no guessing the lesson.“ At least not in his class. Not to mention they might be here all night if he asked them to do that. Nobody had time for that.

Kalen nodded at the next student though the door, ”Hello Mr.White, and for the next few minutes I think it’s good evening.” He said with a grin.

Kalen was indeed aware of the struggle, having been a Slytherin himself while he was at Hogwarts, the trek up here was long but worth it. ”Hello Miss Diggory. “ He greeted back as she spoke to Miss Cambridge, ”Indeed it is 42, Perhaps the Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy is through there. “ He said with a soft chuckle.

And here was Flynn, Kalen tried not to sigh as the Slytherin boy walked through the door. He knew he would be here, the boy hardly ever missed a class. But was it wrong for Kalen to wish he hadn’t shown up today? ”Mr.Kowlaski. “ He said with a nod of his head. An eyebrow rose as he watched him switch name cards and he sighed inwardly but chose to overlook it.

For now.

Kalen nearly fell off his perch as he heard someone shout the word no, and his head instantly snapped to the side to see Derf standing there looking at Jessa…

Okayyyyy. Kalen looked at Derf and nodded to him. ”Hello, Mr. Ashburry-Hawthorne. “ He said as he watched him slide into his seat without making much eye contact. All right,, it was shaping up to be an interesting class.

Andddd it just got more interesting..another inward sigh came from Kalen as he watched Zoryn sulk in and glare at him. ”Hello Miss Spinnet. Such a joy to see your happy face.“ He said with an eyebrow raise and a voice heavily laced with sarcasm.

Kalen smiled at the next student as she walked in and blinked sleepily. At least she wasn’t yawning, that was a plus yeah? ”Hello Miss Sparkes. “ He said with a nod as she settled in her seat.

Kalen raised an eyebrow as Ronan walked in with a blanket and a cup of coffee, was this a class or a sleepover? The room was cold for a reason, to wake everyone up. He kept his eyebrow raised as Ronan settled in a seat with his blanket. ”Comfortable, Mr.Carter?“ He asked with a slight shake of his head.

Finally! Someone who was happy and not yawning their head off. Kalen could appreciate that. ”Hello Miss Kettleburn. Welcome.“ He said with a friendly nod as he turned back to look at the next incoming students.

Kalen nodded as Felicity entered the room,”Hello Miss Harrington, Welcome.“ He said as he noticed her looking at the door. So many people were looking at it and he grinned to himself. He hoped they all enjoyed what was in there. He did.

It seemed like Kalen’s eyebrow was getting a workout tonight, for it rose again as Philippa walked in and didn’t say a word to him. Huh. He would remember that Miss von Brandt. ”Good evening Miss von Brandt. “ He said pointedly as he looked at her. No ignoring the teacher yeah?

Ahhh, now he knew why Miss Kettleburn was so happy, the reason had just strolled in and sat down next to her in the form of the Head Boy. ”Hello Mr.Whittebrook. “ He said as he watched the two of them for a moment, they reminded him of him and Serena when they were back in school. Ahh young love.
Ohh and door noticing, yes yes, they would find out soon enough.

Kalen nodded as Hattie walked in all smiles. Another happy student, who looked awake as well. Always good. ”Hello Miss Paton, Welcome. “ He said as she settled down. He glanced at his watch, it was almost time to start.

Ahh another sleepy student. Perhaps he needed to have his next class a bit earlier so not everyone was yawning their heads off and throwing off his groove. ”Hello Miss Kramer. Welcome. “ Maybe Mr Carter could share some of his coffee with the Hufflepuff prefect yeah?

Kalen nodded at the Head Girl as she made her way into class. Another student who was alert and awake for the lesson. That was good! ”Hello Miss Valentine.“ He said with a soft chuckle at her words. ”You seem to be the only one.“ He said as he shook his head at her next words. “Not a moon door, but good guess Miss Valentine.” He said with a nod.

Kalen nodded at the next student through the door, this one seemed awake, though rather unhappy to be here if her nod was anything to go by. “Hello Miss Simelanu, I am well thanks, how about you?” He asked with a smile.

Kalen looked up at the clock and then out into the hall way, with a wave of his hand, the door shut. It was time for class to begin. he kept his relaxed position against his desk though as he started to speak.

”Thank you all for coming, and for trying to stay awake at least.” He said with a grin as he looked at the class and then out at the sky. ”Sadly, it’s cloudy tonight, so we won’t be able to use the telescopes to see what I had planned, but I’ve found a way around that, which you will see later.” He said as he motioned to the mysterious door behind them all. “And no it’s not a portal to Narnia or to some alternate universe or anything like that.” He said with a reassuring look over the class.

”But for now! Let’s start with something light to ease us into class, I know it’s late and everyone is recently back from break. So, first question. What is your favorite constellation? Or star? Either way. Just raise your hand and tell me. “ Kalen said with a smile. That should be pretty simple to start out with yeah?

OOC:Hello all and thank you for coming!The question is simple “What is your favorite constellation and or star!“ We will be moving on in about 36 hours.. ish!Thanks!!

Favorite consolation...favorite...
"I'd say my favorite is Libra," he said. "Mainly cos' it's my star sign," Jonas said after raising his hand.
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