BoG! (mentions!) Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese .
Yes, Marilyn had been more than happy to play along for the sake of the lesson. So that things ran smoothly. Solidarity, but....this was going to be a hard "no" from her. Apologies, Regina.
Taking several steps back from the armor she'd been doctoring with her rune carving, the older blonde woman whipped out her wand, preparing to block off the back part of the classroom. So that she could make her observations in peace, with some guarantee of safety. Besides, there was no way she was squeezing her body into that armor. Her enlarged belly wouldn't allow it. And if that hadn't been enough to convince her....a young girl (Jessa) had just discarded her wand and flung herself down at one of the horse-sized creatures. It seemed counter-productive to what this class was supposed to be teaching today...Protection, correct? Why did Marilyn get the sense that she was meaning to collect it?
Continuing to take steps back, until she was in a good spot, she moved her wand in a wide arching motion, throwing up a strong shield to keep the Blast-Ended Skrewts at bay. Away from herself, anyway. As far as the students were concern, Marilyn thought this was a brilliant learning exercise. The hands-on approach was truly the best way. And yes, she'd have thought that even if her own child had been present. It didn't get any easier out in the real world...
Eyes darting around at the sudden shouting...only to find the same small Hufflepuff boy from before (Derf), the blonde snorted. She idly wondered if he was this dramatic in all his lessons. But then again, Marilyn supposed it wouldn't have been Hogwarts if the children attending weren't next-level theatrical. Teenagers. It was a wonder how the staff team wasn't entirely overwhelmed.... Oh, and Charlotte was handling herself well among the fray. Also, the other Gryffindor boy (Ronan). Transfiguration was an interesting tactic. The Gryffindors were appropriately Gryffindoring. Yes, she saw you, Zoryn.
Recollecting her clipboard, she retook her seat and began adding additional comments.
__________________ We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____