Phone post Gryffindor for life Notorious Niffler
Honestly, Emmeline felt a little conflicted. She wanted her guardian to be right about everything in class and stuff, but at the same time she still sort of...found it easier to believe kids about things than adults. So she was inclined to agree with Jessa, even if that tugged at her heartstrings a little bit. She was also sad to see the Ravenclaw getting up to leave, but at least the older girl was stopping to help Derf first. Emmeline would've offered her hell but, well....she wasn't all that great at the vanishing spell and stuff. She was also kind of hoping that maybe Jessa would decide to stay while she was vanishing things.
She had noo idea what that green ball thing was, and was only a little bit surprised that Derf knew loads about it, since it was a plant and all. She raised her hand and asked, "Are we gonna change it into something else? Or conjure more stuff that the creatures need for the aquariums?" |