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Old 10-07-2017, 01:52 PM   #12 (permalink)
Emerald McDougal
Hogsmeade Shopkeeper
Fire Slug
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Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 160

Originally Posted by Tony Killingworth View Post
"Because I'm not my grandmama.'' That's why he did not do repairs. "But I can try. What EXACTLY is the problem with it? Is the case broken? A quill?'' Give him the details and he'd try to sort it out. "If it can't be mended I'll be happy to sell you a new one at a discounted price.'' T took no notice of her momentary speechlessness. He was used to people just staaaaaring at his hotness.

T looked at the woman as though she were crazy. "You're talking about that thing as if it were your husband.'' Or wife whichever. "Give it here and I'll see what I can do.'' T put out his right hand the fingernails well manicured and all.
Emerald felt like turning and walking right out of the shop right that moment just because it was now run by the too loud and full of himself grandson and not the sweet old lady. She automatically resented those that thought she was crazy. She was anything but. The enchanted stationary set was a treasured gift from her late grandmother may her rest in peace and the shopkeeper was not going to be allowed to taint that memory.

Taking a breath to calm herself Emerald explained calmly as she set the stationary set on the counter. "This is a special enchanted set that i inherited from my grandmother. Every quill is one of a kind and has its own kind of use. The spells have broken and the lock on the case has burned up. Do you think you can repair that?" There was a dare in that question.

A new set at a discounted price. No, she wasn't even going to consider that option until she was 100% certain the shopkeeper couldn't repair her set. The husband remark Emerald chose to ignore entirely.
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