Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Vivian repeated the incantation under her breath until it was actually time to give the spell a try.
But the fact that the lotus flower was charmed to help them back up when they stumbled excited the blond more than waving her wand around to reveal magical from mundane fruits. It sounded just like being in a bouncy castle. This fifteen year old definitely still had the heart of a kid.
Bouncing to her feet, Vivian made her way to find her first fruit victim. And indeed, the height difference between her and her classmates made her sigh a little bit. She was only two inches past five feet, so it didn't really help in this situation. There were probably more magical fruits up in the higher parts of the tree. Not wanting to lose fruits within her reach, the blond made her way to a place where there were a few fruits gathered almost together. "Naturaba revelio!" She flicked at the fruit, hoping for a tiny sparkle... but nah, it didn't.
Gee. Wow.
Spotting another one, the prefect flicked at the fruit too. "Naturaba revelio!" This one, it glimmered, which made Vivian grin in delight before reaching out to pick it and placing inside the basket. Hopefully there were still a few more magical fruits within her height.
Oh, and she intentionally went to step on the big lotus because WEEEEEEEEE. See? Fun!
__________________ It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling... |