Originally Posted by
The Narrator
At first, it seemed as though the lion's footing in the sand was normal, but soon, as she quickened her pace, it was very apparent that the sand, as she had suspected, was not normal.
She was sinking.
And the faster she tried to run, the faster she was sinking into the ground, or, sand.
Did you expect quicksand, young lion?
Suddenly, the sand is up to your knees, and is it just you or...is this quicksand also...weird for quicksand? It almost seems to have a life of its own...forming its way up and around you...
This was SOOOOOO much worse than evil plants or anything else that Emmeline had been expecting. In fact, it was eerily similar to being in one of her nightmares; magic was causing something to circle her, to TRAP her, and suddenly she couldn't move, couldn't
Why did it always have to feel like she was drowning lately? Her first biiiig panic attack (or at least that was what the Healers called it --
she would've sworn it was reallllly dying) had happened earlier in the term, when she'd thrown that gnome at the BoGer and he'd trapped her by wrapping vines around her body. She'd frozen then, exactly like she was doing now...
And and, she couldn't
see anything now either; her eyes were clouded over with tears that she desperately didn't want to shed... She needed to wipe them away, but her arms and legs allll felt heavy and like they couldn't
She was already dead. Any second now, her father's face was going to loom out of the darkness -- the way it always did when he'd trapped her with his magic -- and then her world would be nothing but PAIN and blood and darkness...
She wished the darkness bit would hurry up sometimes. Because all she could do now was all that she could
ever do; Emmeline
screamed as loudly as she could. She'd forgotten about the loud plants, forgotten where she was or what was really happening. There was a familiar yet strange pounding in her ears, sort of a cross between a drum and a river roaring off in the distance...
It didn't matter much, anyway. She'd always known that He'd win in the end. Isn't that what Mum always told her whenever she tried to fight back? And that one time she'd actually managed to get a wand in her hand.... Well, she'd heard the Healers telling her big brother that she was lucky to be alive.
The wand in her hand now felt just as useless as her mother's wand had back then. Emmeline briefly tried to remember a spell -- any spell at all, really -- that could help her, but her mind just felt the familiar blank numbness spreading throughout her body and...
She was done. She'd bought herself a year by coming to Hogwarts, and maybe a few more months by living with Cami, but none of it had mattered in the end. He'd been right all along because she couldn't breathe at all now, and even though the pain hadn't hit yet, the magic wasn't going to let up ever, and she could already see spots of darkness forming in front of her eyes.
Sometimes she secretly wished the darkness would hurry up.