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Old 09-28-2017, 04:15 AM   #7 (permalink)

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Gryffindor for life Notorious Niffler

Professor Myers's attitude about how many lines she'd have to write totally confirmed her suspicions: the lines weren't the point of this at alllll. Emmeline had a STRONG suspicion that even reaching the chalkboard was probably just some made-up goal. Like like, it was to make her cross the room and whatever EVIL stuff was hiding in the sand, but the board wasn't actually the point of the detention, you know? The evil stuff was.

"One is gooood," she replied hopefully. As in, she hoped she'd be able to cross the room and back -- but it didn't sound like Myers even reallllly expected her to. Plus, the way he was sitting in that chair kind of reminded her of how she and Cami would sit on the couch and watch those Muggle show things on Cami's Muggle box, mhm. Which meant that this detention was about to get reallllly evil, reallllly fast.

Hopefully not TOO evil. She'd already seen the inside of the hospital wing as a patient once this term and she wasn't eager to go back annny time soon. The twelve-year-old took a deeep breath silently, squared her shoulders in pure determination to get through this, and pulled her wand out of her holster. Okay. This would be fine, eventually, right?

Cami would come looking for her eventually. With that thought in mind, Emmeline bit her lip and slooooowly stretched her legs out until she'd taken a step into the sand. She paused, listening intently and just WAITING for about half a second, before...

Before breaking out into a RUN and trying to sprint towards the board. 'Cause being cautious wasn't going to help, not if something bad was going to happen either way. Plus, if the sand was normal -- well, then it should cover the sound of her footsteps and keep the flowers "asleep", right??
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