Mention of Professor Marchand and Katy Mischievous Niffler
OMG what???
Kitty stared at Rosalyn in surprise as she asked if they wanted to do an essay instead. Now she felt really bad, though it wasn't her fault what was happening. Sure, deep down she felt Katy had a point (much as she might hate to admit it) but guilt tripping Professor Marchand into cancelling her planned activity just seemed WRONG in every way imaginable. In no other lesson she'd attended had anything similar happened, and it wasn't fair that it would be happening to Rosalyn.
Not to mention it wouldn't be fair to all those who clearly wanted to participate in the game. Zoryn for one, but there were many others too. "Professor Marchand, I think whatever you decide will be good," Kitty said loyally. "I understand what Katy is saying, it's a good point" - and she looked briefly at the Slytherin girl - "But I don't think we should cancel your activity, because obviously many of us want to play it. But if you want to cancel it I'm good with that too."