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Old 09-26-2017, 04:34 AM   #82 (permalink)

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Gryffindor for life Notorious Niffler

Here's the thing: Emmeline realllllly admired Miss Katy, Miss Char, Derf, and now Stasya for standing up for what they believe in and all that stuff. In fact, now that BOTH of her best friends were sitting the activity out, she'd started to get some second thoughts about it too. Was it morally wrong to play a game about a REAL war? Honestly, she hadn't really taken it that way -- more of a game with a war-type theme 'cause there were two sides or something, mhm.

But then Professor Marchand said the oooonly thing she could've said that put the Gryffindor firmly on the side of definitely playing the game: if they didn't, they'd have to write an ESSAY??? NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Essays were definitely the WORST part of school EVER.

Zoryn voiced Emmeline's thoughts like perfectly, so she tried to give a more grown up type answer as she addressed their professor: "I don't really wanna write an essay either, Professor. Balloon fights sound wayy more fun and, uh, educational and stuff." Yup, totally and completely educational. As long as Professor Marchand didn't ask her how the game was educational, that argument should totalllly work.
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