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Old 09-26-2017, 02:35 AM   #2 (permalink)

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Join Date: Apr 2017
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Gryffindor for life Notorious Niffler

After classes on Friday was usually Baby Creature Time. Emmeline's faaavorite thing to do at Hogwarts was to take care of her cruppy, Sirius, and the baby nifflers who hadn't been adopted last term. Soo she was kind of super mad at herself for getting a detention at the start of the weekend that cut into that time, mhm. She felt like 50 points off Gryffindor AND a detention was a bit much, too, but if she was honest with herself, she was more okay with the detention part than the house points part. Just 'cause a detention only punished her -- and her creatures but she totally wasn't gonna think about that -- but the loss of points punished allll of her Housemates too. Who hadn't even done anything wrong. Plus, Zoryn had done looooads worse stuff to professors and hadn't lost so many points (not even in total). So the points thing was totally unfair, but she wasn't going to argue about it or even bring it up with Professor Myers.

It was a good thing that she'd been practicing controlling her facial expressions and tone of voice so much for the upcoming play auditions, 'cause she was able to keep allll of her internal anger and disappointment in herself OFF her face and out of her voice. Instead, she approached Professor Myers outside of his meeting space with a fairly neutral look on her face. She swallowed nervously as she got closer to the professor, 'cause he looked realllllly happy and she had a feeling that that was a BAD sign for her. Still, she gave him a small smile and said perfectly politely, "Hiiii, Professor." She even resisted the urge to ask how long this was gonna take, mhm. She could totally handle this.
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