SPOILER!!: Ghosties
Originally Posted by
Bloody Baron
The Bloody Baron was floating down to the dungeons intending to spend some time with his snakes when a ghastly loud and annoying wailing filled his ghostly ears.
"PEEEEEEVES!" His bloodiness hissed hotly as he turned around on the spot.
Increasing his pace the Baron floated in high speed into the Entrance Hall intending to give the ruddy good for nothing polter menace a piece of his mind. Only it wasn't Peeves that was wailing his lungs out it was the "Friar?"
Slowing his pace until he stopped to hover next to a boy in snake robes the Baron groaned out angrily as he gestured with his hands, his chains rattling as he did so. "Friar, what's the meaning of this awful racket?"
Turning his blank black staring eyes to the boy beside him the Baron asked hoarsely "Why are you loitering here in the Entrance Hall Mr Hale?"
Originally Posted by
Fat Friar
Quiet down? QUIET DOWN? Alfred's first instinct was to be hurt by the words and explain why that is a rude statement to direct at anyone, dead or alive, but he remembered he was being the NEW ALFRED.
"NO!" he shouted at the Slytherin, and he felt his hands begin to shake. Even if he was a ghost, the nerves of being so bold and mean and blunt to people...it was hard! How did people do this all the time? He wanted to apologize right away!
He looked 'round to see the Baron had joined them, though, and had apparently assumed it was Peeves! Oh goodness! "The meaning? Well, I want to make a racket! There's no meaning or purpose! I just feel like!" He would have foot stomped could he have done so. Hmm! "Yes, Mr. Hale, why ARE you loitering? You should shoo along, you pestilence!"
Ouch. He felt bad. Instantly.
Nathan was taken aback when the usually "friendly" ghost shouted at him.
"Hey why you shouted at me for? You're the one who's making noises." Annoyed. His eyes squinted in defiance back at the Friar. Nathan's mouth dropped.
"Did you just call me a disease?!" he gaped. What the merlin did he do to him?
He turned around when his house ghost suddenly appeared. He side-stepped away from the baron, trying not to show his discomfort.
"I'm not loitering, I was just walking." He defended himself.
"Then I heard him wailed like a banshee," he pointed at the fat friar.