Text Cut: Emmeline and Derf
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Picketta's protectiveness was super, super cute, but Emmeline was eyeing her sharp-ish fingers a bit wearily, and ended up taking a step back. She maybe wouldn't have if she'd been by herself, but she was still carrying Sapphire and didn't want to risk the baby getting attacked. She grinned as the baby niffler in question looked curiously at the two Hufflepuffs and made some of her snuffling noises. Maybe she was saying hi?
She gave Maddie another smile, which just grew and grew the more the other girl talked. Another person that liked creatures, yesss! Or at least, she seemed to like baby ones. The Gryffindor shook her head as Maddie started talking about Sapphire, though, and said: "Nooo, Sapphire isn't mine. I'm just playing with her today. I'm gonna maybe ask Professor Wayland if I can adopt her, though." She paused to take a breath and went on, "My baby creature is a male crup named Sirius, and his kennel is over there" -- she pointed towards the cruppy kennels -- "But he's all sleepy this early in the morning, mhm. And there are looooads of babies that don't have anyone. You just go to their areas and check their name tags. What's your faaaavorite kind of creature, Maddie?" She pointed out a sign posted near the bowtruckles' tree that listed all of the bowtruckles' names and had some student names under the ones that were adopted. Emmeline had a GOOD feeling about Maddie so far, mhm. And and, the second year was so excited that she was kind of saying all of this maybe too fast. But there was a first year who liked creatures! It was awesome!!
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Derf was mostly trying to handle Picketta while Emmeline and Maddie talked, offering the bowtruckle a few of his own exasperating clicks of the tongue and teeth to try and converse with her in her own language to get the point across. Thank Merlin she had finally grown accustomed to Natalie at least. Everyone else seemed to be a bit of a work in progress, even Emmeline and Stasya who were naturals with handling creatures. Sigh.
"I reckon if you ask Professor Wayland about taking care of one creature in particular he could arrange something for you," he suggested to the first year. "How Emmeline and myself started out with Sirius and Picketta. It was a project last term and stuff. Just because it's not an official option this term doesn't mean you can't arrange it for yourself." Kinda like how he and Bel were maybe kinda sorta going to try and make a biking circle of sorts. He still needed to find her and arrange for her to teach him HOW to ride a bike...but one step at a time.
Turning towards Maddie properly, Derf gave her a looooooong look up and down as if trying to size her up...but mostly he was just trying to assess based on his initial impressions of her just WHICH creature would be best suited for her bubbly personality. Which of course lead to the obvious conclusion of a cruppy, but there were LOADS more creatures in the nursery too.
"I think you and Bubbles could get along super," he nodded while nodding his head towards the puffskein. "They are super easy to care for and love being cuddled and tossed about...AND you can use their hair in potions too...so grooming them would really be two fwoopers with one stone, you know? And besides...you're bubbly like her name!" It was meant to be!
Ohhh, so that wasn't the girl's pet, but she was going to ask to keep it? That meant Maddie might be able to take on caring for a creature, too, and maybe at some point, she could adopt it!
"That sounds awesome! I'd love to care for a baby creature and maybe adopt it one day, too," she said. She was only a first year and hadn't even spent a whole school year here, but she was loving all the opportunities she was coming across!
"Well, good luck in getting to adopt him!" She looked in the direction the girl was showing her. This place was SO COOL! She tried to scout out some name tags to see if any of the creatures didn't have anyone taking care of them, but that would require her leaving Derf and Emmeline and walking around.
"I like cute and cuddly creatures," she said.
"The ones that'll let me hold them." She nodded at Derf when he spoke up. So taking on a creature to care for seemed pretty simple.
"Thanks! I'll go talk to him soon," she said. She looked toward the Puffskein.
"You're right, but they're super close to Pygmy Puffs, and I already have one of those. I kind of want to try something new." She just wasn't sure what, but she didn't miss the fact that he'd said she was bubbly. It was a compliment, she knew.