Emmeline felt a little better after putting some distance and STAIRS between her and the crazy old man in the DADA classroom. Since he was sleeping so much, she hoped that meant that he was too lazy to climb all these stairs and come after her, mhm. Still, the twelve-year-old was shaking like a leaf clinging to the Whomping Willow at the start of winter as she entered the hospital wing with an older Hufflepuff girl (Scarlett) and Miss Rhea.
At least she'd only thrown up one more time on the way to the hospital wing. She thought that she'd be okay if her stupid memories would STOP intruding on her everyday life, mhm. The Gryffindor grabbed one of the parchment things that Mr. Healer liked them to fill out, pulled a quill that was lying around towards her, and answered the questions with a shaking hand. It wasn't really readable, but Mr. Healer knew who she was.
She sank onto one of the chairs in the waiting area, eyes peeled for any adults that weren't Professor Hirsch or Mr. Healer. Sadly, Cami was probably teaching right now too; if she hadn't been, Emmeline would've been tempted to run away from the older girls and just go straight to her office. Though Cami probably would've dragged her back down here anyway... Emmeline curled into a ball on her chair as she waited for Professor Hirsch to catch up. She didn't really want to say what had happened in class anyways.