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Old 09-21-2017, 04:04 AM
WhittyBitty WhittyBitty is offline
Default History of Magic Lesson One - The Battle of Hogwarts

Upon entering the History of Magic classroom, one might think that they are outside of Hogwarts. Through the use of spell-work, the room has been expanded and made to look like the outside of the castle. The floor has been replaced by grass, and the walls are dark with stars as what would happen when in the middle of the night. There is a large representation of Hogwarts along an entire wall.

Professor Marchand is sitting cross-legged on the grass, waiting for students to arrive. There are no desks for the lesson, though nearby there is a table laden with snacks and fruit punch. Today's treat is Halloween candy. It might be early November, but there is nothing wrong with chocolate bars.

Lesson Progression:
What do you think we will be learning about today?
What do you know about the Battle of Hogwarts? Why did it happen? Was it inevitable, or could it have been avoided?
Mini activity
Main Activity

OOC: Welcome to the first OOC lesson of the term! I will be starting the class in approximately 24 hours. In the meantime feel free to chat with each other, though please don't go overboard. CLASS HAS OFFICIALLY STARTED.