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Old 09-20-2017, 09:21 AM
MadMadamMalfoy MadMadamMalfoy is offline
Default Charms Lesson 1: Sew on and Sew Forth

Today's Charms lesson takes place on a cool October morning, the day before Halloween, to be exact. The classroom is decorated with hanging paper bats and floating jack-o-lanterns, and at the back of the room sits the refreshment table laden with goodies for the students. Today's offerings: pumpkin spice tea and frosted sugar cookies shaped like pumpkins, bats, ghosts, and cats.

Professor Marchand stands at his usual place in the front of the room ready to greet the arriving students. In his hand, he holds a decorated bowl full of small orange objects. What are they? More snacks? Or maybe something else? As you walk into the room, you'll notice a strange collection of items on the professor's desk: an embroidered pillow, a photograph of the Frankenstein monster, and a baseball. Do these things have something to do with today's lesson? Only time will tell.

Lesson Progress

Greetings & Question 1
Suturis, Suturis Flagellum & Mini Activity
Question 2
Diffindo, Flipnsnipwitit, & Main Activity

OOC: Welcome to the first OOC Charms lesson of the term! Class will start in ABOUT 24 HOURS (5:15 AM GMT -4) HAS STARTED.