dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
It was time for the main activity and Shayla was all ears. When she heard what they would need to complete the assignment she had an idea of what they may be doing. As Professor Vance explained things further and demonstrated what to do, Shay paid close attention. She was listening and watching, but at the same time formulating her question to ask.
When the class was given the ok, Shay went up to get bird feed and some plastic letters. Nearing the chest of letters, Shay stopped short. What was that smell? When she saw what was responsible for the.......aroma, the Gryffindor was not particularly pleased. Turning her attention back to the task at hand, Shay took her supplies and headed over to the Gryffindor augurey.
When it was her turn, Shay approached Romeo and said her hellos. "Hey there Romeo. I'm Shay. So you're going to help me out with my assignment, yeah?" While Shay continued talking, she went down on one knee to place her letters on the ground. The plastic letters were arranged and formed into the words yes and no. She made sure not to place the words too close together. Finally, she poured a good amount of bird feed onto each letter. Shay tried her best to distribute the food evenly. She didn't want to influence Romeo in any way. Of course there would be more bird feed on the yes side because......three letters vs. two.
Once she was finished, Shay looked at Romeo and said, "Will I do well on my NEWT's?" Then she turned Romeo loose and waited. "Ok Romeo, do your thing." The augurey was a little slow to get to work. Maybe he wasn't quite as hungry anymore, since Shay was not the first student to work with him. At last though, Romeo decided to move. He took his sweet time, but finally approached the 'yes' blocks. The bird ate bird feed until he had his fill. When there was no seed left, he moved on to the 'no' blocks and began to eat their bird feed. Well what was that supposed to mean? Shay was pretty sure that that was not how the activity was supposed to go. Since Romeo had approached the 'yes' blocks first, the seventh year decided to go with that answer. She would do well on her NEWT's........but that belated 'no' was going to nag her. Was she going to do poorly on some subjects? Refusing to let Romeo's response get into her head, she decided to give him another chance. She had to come up with another question. This time things would go according to plan.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Salt! |