post 1 because we fell so behind :O Mischievous Niffler Of how much information they were taking in, her quick quotes quill stopped writing - moments before it snapped in two. "Gaa!!" she said as the bottom half bounced off her cheekbone while the top half floated down towards the floor underneath someone else's desk. "Sorry, sorry," she muttered embarrassedly as she soothed the part of her face where the feather had tickled, before glancing down at her notes to see what was written. Now she'd have to write using her hand, and unfortunately she'd have to use her broken quill since she didn't carry a spare. She could have stood up and requested an extra quill, but she didn't want to draw more attention to herself.
Next came the brewing. She was more than a little behind thanks to her cheap quill, but she was doing her best to catch up. "Scourgify!" she said, pointing her wand in turn to her cauldron, scales, etc. Satisfied with their cleanness, she took out her beautiful silver dagger and began cutting the Stargrass she'd collected from the Hospital Wing. Then she produced Boom Berry Juice (had to do this three times before it came out right) and poured it into her cauldron - making care not to splatter in her haste.
Stirring counterclockwise for three minutes, she pasued for five seconds before continuing to stir. Merlin's beard! At this rate she wouldn't ever catch up to her classmates, they were all sooooo far ahead of her.
Knowing the importance of staying calm, Kitty closed her eyes while stirring for the second two minutes and breathed like a Yogi. Relax. It's not the end of anyone if you don't do this in time. Be at peace.
Opening her eyes and feeling much better, she stopped stirring and counted out 23 drops of Essence of Dittany into the cauldron. Now she'd have to wait for three minutes to pass... |