Main activity post 1 Gryffindor for life Notorious Niffler
They were going to actually get close to the augureys and talk to them and stuff! Emmeline thought that this was definitely the best Divination lesson EVER, mhm. She was usually kinda skeptical about Divination; she knew that there were real Seers and stuff, and she thought that Professor Vance probably was one, but Emmeline herself definitely was NOT. Plus, she'd gotten through a lot of Divination assignments allll last year by partially making up predictions on her homework and stuff. She always honestly tried to use the methods they learned in class, but she figured the reason that they didn't work so well for her was 'cause she wasn't a Seer. But THIS method was different, 'cause it relied on the creatures' ability to predict stuff, not her own abilities. Sooo the second year was super hopeful that maybe it would actually work.
She bounced up and down on the balls of her feet a little bit as she joined the line of Gryffindors waiting to work with Romeo. She hoped that he would let her pet him, though she wasn't going to try that 'till towards the end of the lesson. Just in case he got upset and wanted to fly off. When it was FINALLY her turn, the second year spelled out "yes" and "no" with the plastic letters, and sprinkled LOADS of bird food on allll of the letters. She tried to do it super evenly and stuff, in case Romeo was hungry. Then she turned to the augurey in front of her and said, "Hiiiii Romeo! I hope you're having a reallllly good day! Sooo my question is: will I ever get to raise a baby niffler in my WHOLE LIFE?" This was a really important question for the twelve-year-old and she sort of held her breath as Romeo flew off his perch -- and started eating off the "yes" letters!! Emmeline beamed at the augurey, muttered a quick: "Thanks, Romeo!" and sped off to go to the end of the line again. Once she was back in line at the veeeerrry end, the second year did a super short little dance. That she immediately stopped when she noticed that she was doing it and looked around furtively at her classmates. Nobody saw that, right?