Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
Yes one gnome down! And would you look at that? Emmeline was rocking it. She had taken out a gnome with the disarming spell. She gave Emmeline an impressed smile and a thumbs up. "Of course. Nice job, Emmeline," she said. Look at that young one go! But there was not much time to celebrate as Maddie was tackled by another gnome. She watched as Maddie tried to cast the spell on the gnome and crossed her fingers, hoping that would work. If not, she had a spell ready to cast at that gnome.
But it looked like Katy had it covered so Vi turned her attention towards the other gnomes that had bolted towards them. She watched as Emmeline cast the spell and then she added her own strength to it. Hopefully together they would be able to stop the gnomes? "Irretio!" She drew a circle around the grass near the rocks and then flicked the wand towards the two other gnomes. Hopefully the vines would trap them. If not that, at least they would trip them.
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