Gryffindor for life Notorious Niffler
Soo apparently Mr. Slytherin Prefect didn't agree with her that this was someone's gross idea of a joke. Not if he was telling that first year boy to go get the headmistress. Emmeline gulped and backed away a few steps, so she wouldn't get any more GROSS blood on her head. She realllly needed a shower or three now, mhm.
The Gryffindor moved over to stand next to Maddie; she was super happy to hear the slightly younger girl say that she was okay. And then the Hufflepuff girl said something that made Emmeline crane her neck to study the bird drawing again. "Huh...I don't think it would still be all drippy and stuff if someone from Ilvermorny had left it here. But you're right, it kinda looks like a thunderbird, doesn't it?" What did that MEAN?? Also, she kinda wanted to ask Mr. Prefect a question that she didn't really want to know the answer to too much: what kind of blood was it? And if it was wizard blood...who was hurt?