The sound of one of the smaller, louder human (Dahlia) attracted one of the gnomes who, teeth barred, charged RIGHT TOWARDS HER as fast as its tiny feet could carry it.
But then came the lights.
Wide-eyed, it stopped near her and stared at the lights. Big lights, small lights, lights that faded...
STARE. __________
Five of the goblins ran straight for a group of four humans (Katy, Maddie, Emmeline and Olivia). Feet high but very fast, they barred their teeth as they drew closer....
The Disarming Charm from one of the younger ones (Emmeline) hit a gnome on the chest. It flew backwards in a large arch and fell with a THUMP on the grass. The others ignored this and ran ran ran....
Vines sprang up suddenly in the path of one unseeing gnome, cast by one of the older humans (Olivia). The vines wrapped around the gnome's legs, making it topple face-forwards into the grass. "Geroff, gerrooofffff!" Tug tug tug, went its little fists at the vine.
The remaining three continued to run at them. One jumped straight for the youngest girl's legs (Maddie) to try and topple her over. CLING and TOPPLE! __________
Two of the gnomes ran straight for an older boy (Ronan). One, cackling, toppled him over and then sat right across its legs, as if it was its throne. You're not going to move NOW, kid.
The other one ran straight for the boy's WAND. It was a woody stick and if they could have it, it was going to be THEIRS. Reaching his hand, it started scratching at the skin to try and get the stick. Come on, hand it over. __________
Gnomes could sense fear, kid, and that was why one young boy (Kyle) had THREE running after him. The attempts at growing a vine were weak and the worst that happened was that a gnome tripped over them in their haste in getting to him. But vine or not, there were still three running STRAIGHT for him.
But then vines sprung out from the ground from one of the older kids (Tenacius) and trapped one of the gnomes in place. The gnome, whose legs were wrapped up, fell forwards with a soft THUMP. But the force of the fall and the strength of the spell meant that the vine didn't stay rooted in place. A RIP sounded as the vine, root and all, ripped out of the ground but still kept the gnome wrapped up.
Without the use of its legs, the gnome simply rooooooooooolled onwards.
Wheeeeeeee! __________
Standing still was not going to help, kid.
Two of the gnomes ran right in the direction of one of the older girls (Rhea) who was making life easier for THEM by not moving. They ran around the others and, cackling, gave a great big LEAP OF FAITH and....
.... CLING.
Straight for her legs. __________
There were two older kids (Hattie and Ava) who were trying very hard to stop them. The vines grew but the four gnomes running for them were particularly mischievous and clever. One fell back, confused by the sudden vines, but the other three potato-heads could be seen dodging, jumping and ducking around the growing vines.
And three shot right at the two girls.
One, in a mad bid to grab the wooden stick, jumped up and clung onto the girl's (Hattie) arm and started swiiiiiiiiiinging! Wheeeeeeeee!
The other two went for the other's (Ava) legs and started trying to climb them. Up and up and up!
Last edited by GNOMES!; 09-17-2017 at 05:43 PM.