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Old 09-16-2017, 03:41 AM   #211 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Astrid Grimaldi
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Nikita Vitvinina-Grahn
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ascella Archer
Fifth Year
Default Post 1 (steps 1 to 4) + acknowledging Maddie
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up

Oh, so it was time for the actual brewing to take place. The blond couldn't help but wonder if her parents have already tried creating this antidote, but most likely they have. They were healers, and they needed hospital grade antidotes to save lives. She also couldn't wait to tell her mum about this lesson. It would definitely make Vanya Fairfield proud, knowing that her daughter had created something like this. Perks of having the Healer as a Professor, of course.

Vivian took down a few notes before finally making a move to measure her ingredients. But before that, she tied her hair up as the Healer had pointed out, and wore her lab gown, goggles, and gloves on. She honestly felt like almost every inch of her skin was covered, thanks to this 'outfit'. The prefect went to take some of the ingredients that weren't part of the ingredients hunt from earlier, even water. She wasn't sure just how distilled the water conjured with Aguamenti was, so just to be very sure. Healer Reed didn't even seem to mention it, that sneaky man. Once all the ingredients were on her work station, Vivian made the necessary cleanliness measures on all equipment. "Scourgify!" She sent the Scouring Charm on all the equipment, from her cauldron to even the measuring medium, and another "Tergeo!" just to be safe. Better to be safe than sorry at this case, especially with someone who looked like a member of the Board of Governors observing. It surely made this blond feel a little tense, just a little. Sort of.

With everything cleaned and sanitary, Vivian sent an "Incendio!" to light a medium fire, and added the 50ml of distilled water into her cauldron. And while she waited for it to boil, she took her harvested stargrass and sort of stared at it. Was this even CLEAN? They had just harvested them, after all! No, no, no... her mum would freak. The prefect had to make sure and sent a Scourgify at it just to be sure, as well as the two other ingredients, betony leaves and fire seeds, she had harvested earlier with Miss Etta. Okay, so perhaps they were germ-free now. She took the scales, placed the stargrass on it, measured 32 grams of the ingredient, then finished that off by chopping with a silver dagger, because apparently that had been emphasized by Healer Reed. When the water in her cauldron began to boil, Vivian added the stargrass. So that looked... okay now. So far, she hadn't flunked out, which was a good thing. She eyed her cauldron for a few moments, but thankfully it didn't look like it was about to explode. Phew!

Next step now! She took her boom berry juice and poured it in a measuring phial. She only needed 302ml of that, so she double checked again to see if she had gotten it right before dumping it into her cauldron. Taking her glass stirrer, Vivian began stirring her unfinished potion counter clockwise with her eyes looking at her watch from time to time. With three minutes passed, she stopped and mentally counted five seconds before continuing to stir counter clockwise for another two minutes. All this stirring was going to make her arm ache after the class, she expected.

But then she heard a younger student (a firstie!) looking for someone to partner up with her. Aww, cute! "Hey! I'll help you if you'd like," Vivian offered. And if no one wanted to partner up with her, she was willing to at least guide her along as she brewed.
Text Cut: Notes and board
Potion: Antidote to Uncommon Poisons No. 005 (Hospital Grade)
Effect(s): This healing potion cures the effects brought about uncommon poisons. This formula has been altered to have a stronger effect, covering a wider range of poisons known to wizard-kind.

50 ml Distilled Water
14 ml Liquefied Antimony
32 grams Stargrass
302 ml Boom Berry Juice
23 drops Essence of Dittany
5 pieces Fire Seeds
15 pieces Pure Rock Salt
5 strips Wiggentree Bark
5 pieces Fresh Betony Leaves

1. Clean all equipment to be used: Cauldron, Scales, Stirrers, Phials, Etc.;
2. Bring 50 ml Distilled Water to a boil in medium heat;
3. Add finely chopped 32 grams of Stargrass. Use a silver dagger for this step;
4. Add 302 ml Boom Berry Juice and stir counter-clockwise for three minutes pause 5 seconds, and continue to stir the solution counter-clockwise for another two minutes. Use a glass stirrer for this step;

5. Remove the stirrer from the cauldron, and add 23 drops of Essence of Dittany into the solution;
6. Let 3 minutes pass, and then adjust the heat to low. Slowly add 5 fire seeds into the solution after 2 minutes. Use your dragon-hide gloves for this procedure;
7. Add 15 pieces of pure rock salt one by one, and stir the solution counter-clockwise for five minutes until the solution turns primrose yellow. This will indicate that the solution has been activated to counter the effect of poisoning;
8. Lay 5 strips of Wiggentree bark on the surface of the solution, and slowly push it one by one to the inner wall of your cauldron. Turn the heat back to medium and wait for the potion to boil;
9. Once bubbles appear, crush 5 fresh Betony Leaves with your hand, and add it to the boiling liquid. The potion should turn a shade of Sapphire Blue;
10. Wait five minutes, and then turn off the heat. Let the potion cool for 15 minutes, and then bottle it in glass phials using a clean Pasteur Pipette (dropper). Label your potions;
11. Scrape off the dreg at the bottom of the cauldron, and pack it in a tin box. Draw the Asclepius Staff with your wand, while saying the incantation: Venenum Inverto (nullify the poison).
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________

___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
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