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Old 09-14-2017, 07:24 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Bramble "Bram" Wyatt Lennox
ThunderPUFF | Whoodley | MRD&LKD | Graphics Queen | Tristalen | Mrs. A | Hunny Bun

Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post

It wasn't every day that Professor Wayland's favorite student came knocking on his door. But today WAS one of those days, and man, what a lucky dude he was. Honestly, coming here today made Zoryn realize that she should probably bless him with her presence more often. Poor guy was probably super lonely out here on the grounds all by himself. Of course Professor M lived here too, but two is not a company. Three is though and Zoryn would gladly make herself the third (temporary) resident of the Hogwarts' grounds. You're welcome. Xoxoxo.

Anyways, when Professor W FINALLY came to the door he was greeted with Zoryn's BIGGEST smile yet. "Professor, professor, professor," she started, shaking her head all the while. "Must help always be the reason?" HMMM. Couldn't a girl just visit her Professor just to have a heart to heart or a lowkey investigation about his age crisis?

But anyways, they could discuss this elsewhere. "It's really hot and I don't think that'll help your sweat situation," She pointed around to the general area of his face and torso. "so we should probably go inside to talk," she nodded. Clearly Zoryn Spinnet was only looking out for the man's best interests. She is such a saint.
Tristan reeeaaaaally wanted to roll his eyes at her question. The strain it was causing him not to roll his eyes, came through as a chuckle instead. He wanted her to feel she was welcome...even if he didn't feel it. "Of course not, Zoryn. It is just normal for students to need help with something when they visit. That's all." He said with a grin, realizing he still had his towel in his hand he wiped the sweat off of his face and neck. Listening as she suggested they go inside to talk. Inside or outside didn't really make a difference heat wise. He only had fans inside his hut, and the breeze was picking up outside.

"Actually, I prefer sitting outside. The breeze is better." He said with a small wink. "But thank you for thinking of my comfort. It is appreciated." Though it really made him wonder what she wanted. Plus he didn't really want her snooping around which is what he figured she was trying to do. His hut was his safe space. "Sorry you caught me like this though. There was a rather large Gnome infestation over the summer, and I just got the last of them out of the greenhouses and into a section of the forest where they wont be a bother to anyone." Not that she cared...just explaining his appearance.

"Let's have a seat in the lawn chairs shall we?" He said gesturing to them. If she wanted to talk it would be outside.

Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
Yes she could see the surprise evident on Professor Wayland's face when he saw her; because she didn't need extra help in the subject and again, she just didn't visit professors on her own. But despite the surprise, Skylar also noticed the smile which meant she caught him on a good day. Not that she'd ever witnessed Wayland upset, but who knew what professors did behind closed doors and they might not have liked to be interrupted?

Oh, they were going to sit outside? Well it WAS a lovely Fall day and Skylar had to admit Wayland had the advantage of an amazing view from his hut. Perhaps she should consider an outdoorsy profession? "Professor Wayland, Thank you," she nodded politely taking a seat in one of the lawn chairs he gestured to. Help? What made him think she needed help? Because it was her OWL year did everyone thing fifth year students needed help?

Biting her lip, she glanced out onto the grounds thoughtfully before gazing back at the creatures professor. "I actually just wanted to talk to you about Snitch... Nifflers specifically. I wanted to know I guess, how long before they're not babies anymore." Creatures had a different lifespan than humans, yes? "Like, how the whole niffler mating game worked." Like could she just stick Snitch and Goldilocks in a room together and then they'd have baby nifflers in a few months? Few weeks? Did the nifflers have to be a certain age before they could reproduce?
Tristan nodded and smiled, "You're welcome." He waited patiently for the reason that Skylar was here. Because there had to be a reason. She was a very smart girl and generally didn't ask for help outside of class. Soon she was spilling her guts on what she wanted to know. Tristan patiently listened, holding back a sigh. Why did these students think it was okay for them to do these types of things? They were not old enough nor were they capable enough to handle mating Nifflers and taking care a litter of infants. But he knew he had to explain this to her in a gentle way.

"Well, to answer your first question, Nifflers come to maturity at two years and can start reproducing then. Your Niffler, Snitch, is just barely a year old which is why I have kept Snitch in the Infant Creatures Barn. Once all the creatures reach maturity we move them to the main barn. Usually the babies that are raised in captivity will always be in captivity, hence the creatures we have in the barn. Though some of those creatures were injured and may be too weak to go back into the wild." He paused knowing that was a lot of information to take in. He also thought for a moment about how to answer her second question. "As for must have a license and proper training to mate any creature. A single Niffler is difficult to maintain. Imagine having not only two Nifflers, but six to eight babies running around. It's quite stressful." He would know. He had taken care of too many Nifflers to count!

Now to get to his main point, "Skylar, if you are thinking of attempting to mate your Niffler, I am sorry to say this, but you are far to young, let alone your Niffler, and you don't have the proper training." He paused for a moment, "I hate to say this, but if I find out that you and another student have attempted to have your Nifflers mate, I will take Snitch back, as the adoption agreement says, take points, and give you detention. It is that serious. I don't want you trying to attempt something that you can't handle, and trust me you wont be able to." He didn't like being this frank with students, but honesty was always the best policy, even if it hurt. "You are a bright and talented young Witch. Don't make that mistake. Snitch needs you! By the way," he paused with a grin, "I have all the training and I can barely handle a litter of Nifflers." He hoped this would be enough to convince her to steer clear of the path she was attempting.

____________________________________________ I know that you're afraid to...

...let all the dark escape you.
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