Gryffindor for life Notorious Niffler The Divination lesson was off to a good start! Amelia jotted down Professor Vance's question and some of the students' answers, some of which were excellent and some of which...were not. She would take careful note of how the professor handled students with less impressive answers. Hogwarts teachers were expected to be able to deal with different ages and ability levels after all.
Emmeline was super sleepy. She had gotten up extra, EXTRA early so that she could play with the baby creatures before class. So she gave everyone she knew polite "hi"'s and waves and stuff, but she really wasn't paying much attention. She was surprised that Miss Kitty had chosen to sit next to her, but it wasn't a bad surprise, really. Maybe the older girl would have some weird ideas in this lesson too, and that could possibly be entertaining.
She was reallly wishing that Professor Vance had taken Zoryn's suggestion to heart when the professor's question sunk past the fatigue cluttering her brain. Oh no! Another class where she had to worry about creatures getting hurt!! It was bad enough with just Potions... Although she'd expected that today's lesson would involve creatures since it was in the barn, she hadn't really thought about what that might mean. As she listened to the other students' answers, though, Emmeline started to calm down considerably. Listening to horses and stuff wouldn't be so bad, and wouldn't hurt the creatures. As far as divination methods involving creatures went, Emmeline wasn't really sure, but she had kind of heard of an awful one from somewhere. She raised her hand and answered: "I think there's one that uses, umm, bird guts. I hope we're not doing that one, Professor."'Cause if they were going to be hurting creatures today, she was gonna do something about it. What, she had no idea, but she'd think of something. Emmeline shot Stasya a concerned look from her mat. She had a feeling that if it came to that, she'd have a partner maybe.