Thread: Spare Office
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Old 09-11-2017, 11:38 PM   #4 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Default Sorry for the delay! :[

Originally Posted by WhittyBitty View Post

Every once in a while Rosalyn liked the idea of finding a new spot to read, and it had occurred to her earlier that day that the spare office would make for the perfect spot because it was quiet and had a large fireplace. It amazed her that she hadn't actually thought of coming here earlier.

Pleased with herself, she opened the door, breathing in the faint whiff of crystallized pineapple... and was greeted by a student who seemed to be in the middle of studying. "Oh, I'm sorry to disturb you, Miss Umbridge." Especially in the middle of what was probably a cram session for upcoming NEWTs. It was nice to see students getting down to business at the start of term instead of waiting until the last minute and then having a panic attack. Rosalyn would just leave her to what she had been doing and find somewhere else to go.
Hearing the door open, the blonde looked up, ready to give someone the stink eye. OH! It was Professor History Newton. That was what she called her anyway. Or was it Newton History? She couldn't remember off hand. But that was not the thing to be mulling over at the moment.

"No bother, Professor. What were you coming in here for?" the Gryffindor asked as she closed her Potions book. Not like she was doing anything just yet anyway. And did that sound rude? She hadn't meant for it to be if it had been. She was merely curious about why Professors did what they did sometimes.
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