Maisie was iffy about Divination. Her mother was a fanatic about it, always using the tarot, and tea leaves, and going for readings. Maisie laughed at her sometimes, and told her she was wasting money on charlatans and frauds, and couldn't we spend it on another ice cream at Florean Fortescue's please, Mum?
Still, class was class and you don't get Sorted into Ravenclaw for nothing. Maisie raised her hand. "Centaurs know a lot about Divination, Professor.
You could look at their knowledge and draw from their techniques. I'm not sure they would count as animals, though."Her heart thumped. She was a timid girl and hated the thought that she might have firstly got the answer wrong and secondly offended a proud creature like the centaur. Not that there was a centaur in class. Her thoughts were racing. That was always a bad sign. Her breathing would be next. "May I have some water, please Professor?" |